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Migrant relocation quota sparks fierce debate in European Parliament

The migrant redistribution quota has come under attack both from conservatives and liberals in the European Parliament (EP). The socialists, liberals and greens sharply criticised the decision adopted by a qualified majority in the European Council, arguing that it fails to respect the human dignity of migrants and would ensure more freedom for member states in repatriating migrants who have not been granted the right to asylum.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 06. 15. 17:00
202200727 magyar szerb hatar migransok havran zoltan magyar nemzet Fotó: Havran Zoltán
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In preparation for the summit meeting of heads of government and state upcoming at the end of June, the European Parliament held a debate in a plenary session in Brussels on Wednesday. In her speech, Kinga Gal, Fidesz’s EP group leader, emphasized that Brussels had not learnt anything from the mistakes it had made, and instead of strengthening and supporting external border protection, it proposed mandatory migrant redistribution quotas, which millions of illegal immigrants will again understand as an invitation to head to Europe.


What is finally needed is the EU stopping illegal migration, strengthening external border protection and thus lending financial support to Hungary’s border protection efforts,

she stated. The European Council has already made clear that decisions on migration issues can only be taken by consensus. In contrast, last week's meeting of interior ministers pushed through the migration pact with a qualified majority, which she termed a "coup", the press release issued by Fidesz's EP group quoted Kinga Gal as saying.

The adopted pact includes a mandatory migrant redistribution quota, which millions of illegal immigrants will again understand as an invitation. Member states that refuse to accommodate migrants would face financial penalties in the spirit of solidarity,

she pointed out. Illegal migration should finally be stopped, external border protection should be strengthened and financial support should be provided. Kinga Gal stated that the Hungarians had decided in a referendum that they do not want migrants and mandatory quotas. As a sovereign state, we have the right to decide who we want to live with. Meanwhile, she added, all the signs point to an escalation of the war sparked by the Russian aggression. 

A ceasefire would be needed at last to stop further destruction and save lives,  so that peace talks can begin, leading to a lasting peace.

the MEP concluded her speech.


According to the Hungarian news channel HirTV, both conservatives and liberals are attacking the migrant quota in the European Parliament. The Socialists, Liberals and Greens have sharply criticized the decision made by qualified majority in the European Council. They argue that it does not take into account the human dignity of migrants and would give member states more freedom to repatriate those who have not been granted asylum. The left says that it contradicts European values. 

The Socialists reject a compulsory border procedure, which means that asylum seekers would not be allowed to enter the EU until their application has been assessed. This procedure could take up to six months, during which time immigrants could be placed under some form of supervision. Liberals have argued that economic immigration should be recognized and that migrants should be given a safe route to Europe, while Greens say the agreement reflects far-right views, as member states will be given a more freedom to repatriate migrants. 

They also sharply criticized the European Commission and its president Ursula von der Leyen for offering Tunisia €1 billion to take back migrants, and called it outright disgusting that member states that do not accept migrants could pay €20,000 in return for human rights violations, HirTV reports. 

At the same time, European conservatives stressed the importance of protecting external borders, saying they should be strengthened and that asylum should only be granted to people who need it and genuinely persecuted in their home countries. The Poles stressed that their country is planning a referendum on migration, and even  some French MEPs said that their country should have a referendum on the issue. 


Cover photo: migrants in Roszke (Photo: Zoltan Havran).  

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