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21:002024. június 16.
15:002024. június 17.

Migration Costs Weigh Heavily On German Taxpayers

If Berlin continues to admit migrants, it will create an even bigger hole in the economy.

Forrás: V4NA2024. 01. 12. 17:48
Central initial reception center for asylum seekers
illegális migránsok Németországban
14 December 2023, Brandenburg, Eisenhüttenstadt: Migrants walk across the grounds of the Central Reception Center for Asylum Seekers (ZABH) of the state of Brandenburg in Eisenhüttenstadt. Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa (Photo by PATRICK PLEUL / DPA / dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP) Fotó: AFP
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Thousands of illegal migrants arrive in Germany each and every week, and the country's Social Democrat-Green-Liberal government is doing all it can to keep them there. Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his rainbow coalition are banking that the migrants will eventually gain employment and start contributing to the economy. But for now, the experience has been that the social welfare system is so beneficial that hundreds of thousands of people see no point in working or studying. This is how, for example, young migrants from Africa and the Middle East have plenty of time on their hands to harass the elderly and women, according to the international V4NA news agency. 

People who work today are not working for their own well-being, but for that of others. More than sixty per cent of families on benefits in Germany are not German. The same phenomenon is true in many European countries. We are working to support illegal immigrants. This is the madness that must now be stopped,

– Alice Weidel, the co-chair of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, told lawmakers in the federal parliament recently.

German economist Bernd Raffelhuschen has calculated how much migration will cost the German population in the long term. He concluded that

mass migration will, at some point, put a 5.8-trillion-euro hole in the economy.

With these projected numbers, the professor from Freiburg dispelled the myth that immigration will eventually save pension and social security system funds. Mr Raffelhuschen also pointed out that in Germany's ageing society there is already a big gap between what employers and employees pay in taxes, social security, pensions and health insurance contributions and what they will receive in the future.

According to the expert, this sustainability gap will grow to €19.2 trillion if Germany continues to admit 300,000 immigrants a year. Even if the permissive migration policy were to be halted now, the gap would still amount to €13.4 trillion. This means that if the German government continues to let migrants into the country en masse, it will cost taxpayers €5.8 trillion in the long term.

This is how much immigration costs to our current system,"

 – the professor emphasized.

It now appears that migrants need at least six years to enter the German labor market, during which time they hardly pay anything into the social security system. But the situation hardly improves, even after that.

Due to their lack of qualifications, they make significantly less than Germans and they also pay less taxes and social contributions. However, they receive the same sickness, nursing and pension benefits.

Mr Raffelhuschen offered an example to illustrate the problem that the federal government made up of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals refuses to see. An asylum seeker arrives in Germany at the age of 26. He gets refused after two or three years, but can remain in the country with "tolerated" status. Then, in a good case, he or she will get a qualification and be able to work - if he or she wants to - at the age of 35. When he retires, he will still receive his pension benefits, even though he only paid a fraction of these costs in taxes during his career. And the difference will be shouldered by other taxpayers.

If we go on like this, we'll be as stupid as a rock,

 – the professor remarked.

The German government has earmarked nearly 50 billion euros for migration in this year's budget, excluding any additional or extra costs incurred, to be borne by the social security system. According to current calculations, even if one hundred thousand skilled immigrants arrived per year, Germany would still be "posting a loss" in the coming years. 


Cover photo: Migrants in Brandenburg (Photo: DPA/dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP/Patrick Pleul)

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