Következő mérkőzések
18:002024. június 18.
21:002024. június 18.
Cseh Köztársaság

Tusk Is Knocking On Wrong Door, His Attack Only Weakens Poland

Donald Trump has also praised CPAC Hungary, which Poland's prime minister has attacked in the crudest of manner, the head of the Polish Presidential Office pointed out.

2024. 04. 29. 13:15
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (Photo: NurPhoto/AFP)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk's continued attacks on US Republicans are weakening Poland's security, the Polish President's Chief of Staff pointed out on his social media. Marcin Mastalerek reacted to PM Tusk's recent harsh attacks on former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and the CPAC Hungary forum.  

In his post shared on X, current PM Tusk said that while regions of Ukraine close to Poland are being hit by dozens of bombs, Morawiecki was in Budapest discussing up a joint anti-European strategy with far-right, pro-Putin politicians.

Ten days ago in New York, I spoke to President Donald Trump about the conference that Donald Tusk is attacking so vehemently. President Trump says that it's a great initiative and he supports it. That's why they opened the conference with his video,

– Marcin Mastalerek wrote in his post, pointing out that

Donald Trump not only sent a video message to CPAC Hungary, but also praised the forum to his negotiaating partners. 

Mr Mastalerek, who also addressed the CPAC Hungary forum in Budapest, pointed out that CPAC is the largest Republican conference held in Europe and that Mr Tusk's attack is therefore an attack on Republicans, which is not good for Poland. 


Cover photo: Polish PM Donald Tusk (Photo: NurPhoto/AFP)


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