"Brussels To Face The Biggest Scandal In Its History”

A politician from Slovakia's ruling party has taken a hard line against the EU, opting to side with Hungary.

2024. 01. 31. 11:08
Ipolydamásd, 2018. március 28. Egy érdeklõdõ a felvidéki Helemba és a magyarországi Ipolydamásd közötti Ipoly-híd megépítésérõl tartott sajtótájékoztató közelében Ipolydamásdon 2018. március 28-án. MTI Fotó: Máthé Zoltán Fotó: Máthé Zoltán
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

L’ubos Blaha, the parliamentary vice-president  of Slovak PM Robert Fico’s Direction – Slovak Social Democracy (Smer–SD) party has responded on an article published by the Financial Times on Monday, exposing Brussels’ plan, according to Hungarian PM Viktor Orban’s policy chief. 

Standing up for Hungary, the Slovak politician asked a key question: „From where have Brussels technocrats received their authority to construe a plan to destroy Hungary’s economy?” And indeed, press reports suggest that the plan does contain elements that would put the Hungarian currency at risk and contribute to a collapse in investor confidence, jeopardizing economic growth.

If it is confirmed that Brussels has decided to target Hungary’s economy in a premeditated manner due to its defense of its own sovereignty and independent national opinion, it will be the biggest scandal in history,

– Balazs Orban, PM Orban’s policy chief, quoted Mr Blaha’s words. He also expressed gratitude to Slovakia for standing up for Hungary, and for justice.

In his post shared on Smer–SD’s Facebook page, the Slovak politician also suggested that if blackmail works in the EU, „then the member states are in fact functioning as colonies.” He emphasized that member states had two options: they either listen to the pro-war position of Brussels, „or they expel me”.

In the case of Hungary, Brussels has so far failed in its economic blackmail, while PM Viktor Orban continues to enjoy the support of the majority of Hungarians. How dare Brussels punish Hungary for its democratic choices and sovereign policy?

– Mr Blaha asked.

„They are willing to do anything for the war against Russia. They are ready to rape European principles – this is madness”, he added.

Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe)

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