Father L’ubomír Urbančok: "Here too a powerful influence pushes us towards secularization and liberalization"

Interview with the Slovak traditionalist Catholic priest who promotes latin mass

Forrás: VisegradPost2021. 12. 21. 21:51
Father L’ubomír Urbančok: "Here too a powerful influence pushes us towards secularization and liberalization"
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Interview with Father L'ubomír Urbančok, Slovak traditionalist Catholic priest: “Like everywhere else, here too we are subject to a powerful influence which pushes us towards secularization and liberalization. "

Ferenc Almássy met with Father L'ubomír Urbančok in the city of Trnava, Slovakia, commonly known as the “Rome of Slovakia”. Slovak and ethnically Hungarian by his mother, polyglot, Father L'ubomír trained as an astronomer the University of Prague. This young traditionalist priest, in his early thirties, is very busy. Active on social media, he strives to popularize Latin Mass and to appeal to the younger generations. He does not hide his conservative views either, which he assumes and defends, especially in the Press.

In this interview, Father L'ubomír addresses various subjects: the state of the Church in Slovakia, a country deemed to be very Catholic but where, like everywhere else, churches are emptying - in particular since Covid; the Pope's visit to Slovakia; the future of the mass in Latin; his conservative view on Pope Francis’ progressive positions; or the decline of the Faith and the strengthening of liberals in Slovakia.

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