Ukrainian ambassador: Viktor Orban protects Hungary's interests

People he served with agree with the policies pursued by Hungary's prime minister, Sandor Fegyir said.

2023. 09. 09. 11:20
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Viktor Orban protects Hungary's interests, and Ukraine protects its own interests. No one has the right to put the interests of other countries before the interests of his own country,

Sandor Fegyir, Ukraine's future ambassador to Budapest, said in an interview with Glavkom, reviewed by Mandiner. Fegyir stressed that people he served with say the policies pursued by Hungary's prime minister are good. 

Hungary is helping Ukrainian refugees and it is the only place in Europe where they can still use public transport for free, he emphasized, adding that currently, Hungary is hosting 40 thousand Ukrainian refugees. 

The new ambassador served for 13 months on the battlefield, with the Subcarpathian 68th battalion. There are currently around 400 Hungarian soldiers serving in the Ukrainian armed forces, having suffered a death toll of 31 so far, Mandiner writes.

Cover photo: Sandor Fegyir, Ukraine's future ambassador to Hungary, reads Hungarian newspapers, including Magyar Nemzet, on the Ukrainian front. (Photo:Facebook/Sandor Fegyir)

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