EU Affairs State Secretary: We Will Not Pawn Hungary’s Sovereignty!

"We will not pawn Hungary’s sovereignty!" wrote the parliamentary state secretary for EU affairs on Facebook on Monday. He emphasized that Hungary cannot support the 800-billion-euro rearmament push because the country did not see how it will be covered.

2025. 03. 18. 13:31
Barna Pal Zsigmond, parliamentary state secretary for EU affairs (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In his post on social media, Barna Pal Zsigmond said that progress has finally been made towards peace in recent weeks thanks to the new pro-peace U.S. administration.

Meanwhile, Brussels upholds its pro-war stance, seeking new resources to escalate the conflict, pushing for an 800-billion-euro rearmament program along with joint borrowing, and even wants to divert cohesion funds towards its rearmament push,

he said. Barna Pal Zsigmond stressed that Hungary cannot support the 800-billion-euro rearmament program for the simple reason that the country cannot see how it will be covered. 

There are some who would fall in line in exchange for a bit of sovereignty, and if Brussels so wished, would even pawn Hungary’s sovereignty for Ukraine,

the state secretary said, noting Europe simply does not have such vast sums at its disposal. The longer the war between Russia and Ukraine went on, the sooner the rearmament plan would bankrupt the continent, he said, adding that Europe has already suffered a lot of economic damage because of Ukraine.

We’ve seen the damage done in agriculture, the difficult situation endured by lorry drivers, the skyrocketing energy prices and the wartime inflation,

he explained.

We Hungarians therefore take firm stand for peace! We do not support arms deliveries to Ukraine, as they do not serve the goal of achieving peace as soon as possible but rather prolong the war,

he stated.

We don’t support joint borrowing,

he said, arguing that a debt union would trap member states, and Hungary refuses to become a tool for further political blackmail.  Barna Pal Zsigmond also stated that

they oppose Ukraine’s EU accession, as it is currently completely unrealistic. A union, but without joint debt and without Ukraine,

he emphasized, adding that integrating a war-torn, economically devastated country into the EU would entail unforeseeable consequences, and such a decision cannot be made above the heads of nations. He highlighted that an indicative vote has been initiated, pointing out that the Hungarian people have the right to express their opinion on the future of Europe and the protection of Hungary’s sovereignty.

Hungary will not allow Brussels’ imperial policies to undermine national interests. We take a clear stand for peace and say no to the logic of war!

declared the parliamentary state secretary for EU affairs

Cover photo: Barna Pal Zsigmond, parliamentary state secretary for EU affairs (Source: Facebook)

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