Kindergarten Displays Poster of Naked Trans People

A poster of naked individuals has been placed in the nursery of the Austrian public broadcaster ORF. When parents complained about this, both their children lost their places in the institution. The management of the institution argued in favor of early sex education.

Forrás: V4NA2025. 01. 13. 13:17
Illustration (Source: Pexels)
Illustration (Source: Pexels)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

A poster depicting naked people, including transgender people, was displayed in the corridor of the ORF kindergarten, the international V4NA news agency reported. One of the little boys drew his father's attention to what was on the wall by asking, "What are those funny pictures?" 

The poster shows a man with breasts, a naked man in the shower with a child and other naked figures.

The caption said: "Body, naked and uncovered: vulva, penis, breasts, buttocks. Yes, decide for yourself! Bodies are great!"

The father of the child was shocked and immediately contacted the kindergarten teacher, who did remove the poster, but the case does not end here, the Austrian newspaper Krone Zeitung wrote.

The parents were first called to a meeting by the regional management and then by the board. "The headmaster, without any pedagogical grounds, argued in favor of sex education for 1-6-year-olds, which seemed to us to be highly inappropriate," the mother told the Krone Zeitung. She added that they were then threatened with the termination of their two children's (one- and four years old) kindergarten placement at Kiwi institutions, a measure that was promptly carried out.

We were always trying to find a good solution for the children, but because we dared to criticize the practice of early sexualization, we were banned from all the facilities of the Kiwi childcare centre, including the after-school day care.

said the parents.

According to the Kiwi organization, the poster "was intended to show the diversity of different bodies, and to promote openness, self-acceptance and body positivity. We had several face-to-face conversations with the family, but unfortunately the foundation of trust was no longer established," they stated.

Cover photo: Illustration (Source: Pexels)

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