According to pro-war politicians in the European Parliament, Hungary's extension of the National Card program to Russian and Belarusian citizens is a threat to EU security. The LIBE Committee has therefore organized a hearing, inviting only the European Commission and explicitly denying the Hungarian government participation.
Pro-War MEPs Attack Hungary with Baseless Lies
New parliament, same old antics. Once again, the pro-war majority in the European Parliament is relying on lies to attack the pro-peace Hungarian government. The EP Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) hearing Wednesday on the Hungarian National Card program is based on false accusations.

MEP Kinga Gal, chairwoman of the Fidesz delegation, said that strict security checks are carried out when applications for the National Card are considered, and that the rules - the European Commission has never objected to before - remain unchanged. She added that in the first month of the program's operation, only five Russian and two Belarusian citizens received National Cards.
It is clear that the European Left is making accusations without knowing the facts. All this is just another chapter in the series of unfounded attacks on Hungary by Brussels,
the Fidesz group chairwoman stated. Fidesz MEP Andras Laszlo also says the accusations of the pro-war leftists are unfounded, as Hungary has some of the strictest alien residency and immigration laws in the EU.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
There are barely six thousand Russian citizens working in Hungary, compared to nearly 260 thousand in Germany. Those living in Germany are surprisingly not considered a security risk, while those in Hungary are. This is a true double standard,
the MEP pointed out.
Cover photo: The Chamber of the European Parliament in Strasbourg (Photo: AFP)
A téma legfrissebb hírei
Tovább az összes cikkhez
Orban-Macron Meeting: Extremely Significant
Strengthening European defense policy is a desirable goal, but it is uncertain whether there will be a breakthrough at today's summit.

Viktor Orban and Emmanuel Macron Agree on This Issue
France-Hungary relations are strong.

Utility Cost Reduction: Peter Magyar Once Again Ignores Reality
Hungarians pay only a fraction of the utility costs seen in the rest of Europe. Since Brussels is bent on abolishing Hungary's price reduction policy, the Tisza Party chief is falling in line by attacking it.

MEP of Fidesz: Weber and Allies Bent On Going Down Pro-War Track
No coincidence that Peter Magyar dodges war-related questions.
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Orban-Macron Meeting: Extremely Significant
Strengthening European defense policy is a desirable goal, but it is uncertain whether there will be a breakthrough at today's summit.

Viktor Orban and Emmanuel Macron Agree on This Issue
France-Hungary relations are strong.

Utility Cost Reduction: Peter Magyar Once Again Ignores Reality
Hungarians pay only a fraction of the utility costs seen in the rest of Europe. Since Brussels is bent on abolishing Hungary's price reduction policy, the Tisza Party chief is falling in line by attacking it.

MEP of Fidesz: Weber and Allies Bent On Going Down Pro-War Track
No coincidence that Peter Magyar dodges war-related questions.