PM Orban Fought It Out: EU Funds Are Coming to Hungary!

Hungary has already received 12,5 billion euros.

2025. 02. 03. 9:38
Illustration: EU flags
Illustration: EU flags
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– As Prime Minister Orban has stated, people can lose their handkerchiefs or phones - but not the EU funds, as those are determined by political decisions, said Tamas Menczer, the communications director of the Fidesz–Christian Democrat (KDNP) party alliance.

There are certain moments in EU decision-making when unanimity is required or when the Hungarian prime minister’s role becomes crucial. And no one understands this better than him - he is the most experienced head of government in Brussels,

– the politician emphasized, adding that PM Orban simply responds in the same manner to the tactics used against him, always in defense of Hungarian interests—and rightfully so.

He has already secured €12.5 billion. Of course, they don’t like that we stand for peace, that we oppose war, that we have built border fences, and so on. But for now, that €12.5 billion remains in place, and rest assured, when that is used up, more will follow - there is no doubt about it. Every forint and every euro that Hungary is entitled to, the prime minister has fought for in the past, and he will continue to fight for in the future,

– Mr. Menczer stated. 


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