Tamas Menczer: The Future Belongs to Pro-Peace Alliance of Trump, Orban

Donald Trump and Viktor Orban’s pro-peace alliance represents the future, wrote Tamas Menczer, the communications director of Hungary's ruling Fidesz–Christian Democrats (KDNP), on social media. Menczer quoted Trump’s special envoy, Steve Witkoff, emphasizing: "The war cannot be continued or financed!"

2025. 03. 24. 14:06
Tamas Menczer, Communications Director for Hungary's ruling Fidesz–KDNP alliance (Photo: MTI/Csaba Bus)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Menczer reiterated on social media that the future belongs to leaders advocating peace, highlighting the strategic partnership between US Prsident Donald Trump and Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban in opposing war and prioritizing diplomacy.

We cannot continue and finance the war. We cannot allow World War III to break out,

Menczer quoted Steve Witkoff, President Trump's special envoy to the Middle East.

Cover photo: Tamas Menczer, Communications Director for Hungary's ruling Fidesz–KDNP alliance (Photo: MTI/Csaba Bus)

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