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18:002024. július 02.
21:002024. július 02.

Here Are the Priorities of Hungarian EU Presidency

The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU will focus on seven priority areas, the EU affairs minister said in a video posted Saturday on his Facebook page.

2024. 06. 30. 10:48
Bóka János európai ügyekért felelős miniszter Fotó: MTI/Lakatos Péter
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Before the program was drawn up, consultations were held with all member states, candidate countries, EU institutions and European umbrella organizations, with over 250 meetings held in all, which is "unprecedented in the history of presidencies", Janos Boka said. 
The EU affairs minister went on to say that seven priorities had been identified, "these are all areas that we will give priority to".
He added that a new European competitiveness pact to improve the EU's competitiveness and stimulate economic growth is slated for adoption.

All indicated support for strengthening the European defense industry, including relevant innovation and procurement cooperation between member states, he added, along with partnership agreements to effectively protect external borders and address the root causes of migration.
"We will take a step forward in the integration process of all candidate countries in the Western Balkans. We are launching a strategic debate on the future of the cohesion policy, a policy that has over decades proven its success in strengthening EU competitiveness, supporting economic crisis management and reducing internal market imbalances," the minister said.
Also receiving support is a farmer-centered agricultural policy, which lays the foundations for a competitive agriculture sector, guarantees food security in Europe and ensures a decent living for farmers.
"Demographic issues and challenges are on the agenda in all council formations," he said.

Janos Boka titled his video: "Let's make Europe great!"

Cover photo: Hungary's EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka  presents the official priorities, social media channels and visual design of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the second half of 2024 at a press conference at Varkert Bazar in Budapest on June 18, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Peter Lakatos)

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