Brussels Continues to Penalize Hungarian University Students and Researchers

The European Commission has rejected the amendments to the law on public interest asset management foundations. As a result, universities operated by such foundations remain excluded from participating in the Erasmus+ and Horizon programs. According to MEP Tamas Deutsch, Brussels is unlawfully punishing Hungarian students and researchers.

2024. 12. 17. 14:12
Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch (Source: Facebook)
Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The European Commission’s decision on Monday stated that the legislative amendments announced by the Hungarian government on December 2 fail to adequately address the conflict-of-interest risks associated with the boards of public interest asset management foundations. Consequently, Hungarian universities maintained by such foundations remain barred from participating in the Erasmus+ and Horizon programs.

Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch sharply criticized the EC's decision, in a statement to Magyar Nemzet’s Brussels correspondent. He argued that Brussels is not only unjustified but also acting unlawfully in blocking Hungarian students and researchers from taking part in EU programs.

Brussels continues to punish Hungarian university students and researchers, entirely unlawfully. What they are doing is disgraceful! Years ago, they openly declared that 'Hungary must be brought to its knees' and 'starved financially,'

 – Mr. Deutsch stated, adding that

Brussels is executing this malicious plan, using the most brazen means when it continues to penalize Hungarian university students and researchers, unlawfully.

Mr. Deutsch alleged that EU bureaucracy, in coordination with Hungary’s opposition, is trying to pressure Hungary into changing its stance on illegal migration and the war, as well as its child protection law. "Brussels bureaucrats, along with members of the Hungarian opposition who conspire against their own country, want to force us to support the war, allow illegal migrants into Hungary, and abandon our child protection law," he said.

But no matter what they do, we Hungarians will not give in on these issues!

– he declared.

The government maintains that its legislative amendments adequately address the European Commission’s earlier concerns and that the operation of public interest asset management foundations complies with EU law. Hungarian officials argue that the restrictions on participating in Erasmus+ and Horizon programs are politically motivated, serving only to exert pressure on Hungary.


Cover photo: Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch (Source: Facebook)

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