Tamas Menczer: We Have Defended Hungary’s Energy Security

Yesterday, the Hungarian government achieved a significant victory as the European Commission and the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs acknowledged in a statement that we were right, the communications director of the Fidesz–Christian Democrat (KDNP) party alliance wrote in a social media post.

2025. 01. 29. 9:23
Tamas Menczer, communications director of Hungary's ruling Fidesz-KDNP party alliance (Photo: KKM)
Tamas Menczer, communications director of Hungary's ruling Fidesz-KDNP party alliance (Photo: KKM)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto made it clear: enough is enough. Until now, Brussels had remained silent on Ukraine's blocking the transit of Russian gas, jeopardizing Central Europe’s energy supply and driving up prices. Brussels stood by as Ukraine restricted oil deliveries to Hungary and Slovakia. Brussels watched in silence as a physical attack targeted the critical TurkStream gas pipeline.

– the communications director of Fidesz–KDNP wrote on his social media.  He emphasized that 

PM Orban and FM Szijjarto have clearly stated: enough is enough. We've had enough of Brussels failing to represent the interests of EU member states. We have had enough of being forced to pay the price of war. Yesterday, the Hungarian government secured recognition from the European Commission and the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs that we were right!

Tamas Menczer underlined that 

the European Commission has acknowledged that energy infrastructure is a matter of EU security and has pledged to take steps to protect it. The European Commission will negotiate with Ukraine regarding natural gas transit. The European Commission will negotiate with Ukraine to ensure the continued flow of oil. We have won a battle and defended Hungary’s energy security. But many battles still lie ahead. Our goal is clear: to drive out the pro-war, pro-migration, and pro-gender forces of the past from Brussels. Just as it happened in America. It will be a tough and prolonged fight, but in the end, we will gladly say: Manfred Weber, auf Wiedersehen!

Cover photo: Tamas Menczer, communications director of Hungary's ruling Fidesz-KDNP party alliance (Photo: KKM)

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