PM Orban: Children Come First, and Everyone Must Adapt to This

Hungary is under immense pressure from the international gender network, PM Orban underlined.

2025. 03. 22. 12:21
PM Viktor Orban (right) gives an interview to host Zsolt Torocsik on Kossuth Radio’s "Good Morning, Hungary!" program in Brussels' Public Media Center, on March 21, 2025 (Photo: MTI / PM's Press Office / Zoltan Fischer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The current debate in parliament revolves around whether children come first, PM Orban told Kossuth Radio’s "Good Morning, Hungary!" program on Friday, regarding the pending amendment to Hungary's assembly laws with a view to enhance child protection. Speaking from the public media’s Brussels studio, Mr. Orban emphasized the government's position, that the right to a healthy upbringing is a fundamental right for children, and must be considered when exercising all other fundamental rights.

On the subject of amending Hungary’s assembly laws for child protection purposes, Mr. Orban stated that, under normal circumstances, the right of assembly and the protection of children can coexist. However, this is not the case when sexuality—whether between same-sex or opposite-sex individuals—is brought out into the streets or when gender activists seek to enter schools to dictate to children what they should learn, and when, about this highly complex aspect of life, instead of their parents.

The government is currently working on establishing a legal framework that will enable authorities to determine, based on legal regulations, whether pride-like events can be held in public spaces under the right of assembly, or whether children's rights take precedence, thereby necessitating the exclusion of such events from public spaces,

– he added.


PM Orban pointed out that the current legal situation places authorities in a difficult position because it is unclear which right takes precedence: unrestricted liberty of expression, or parents’ rights to raise their children? Who comes first: those marching at pride events, or children?

The Hungarian government’s position is that children come first, and everyone must adapt to this. In this regard, we must establish a clear legal framework,

– he emphasized.

Referring to pride events, Viktor Orban also underlined that, as a father, a Hungarian citizen, someone concerned about the future of the homeland and someone who feels responsible for the spiritual and intellectual well-being of the next generation, he has always been troubled by the fact that such things can happen.

Moreover, I was the prime minister, and all this still happened,

– he added.

Behind this attempt at society's sexual re-education, there is enormous international pressure — a network that can also be called the international gender network—exerted on the government simultaneously from Washington and Brussels, PM Orban remarked.

You can watch the full interview with PM Orban by clicking on the following video:

Cover photo: PM Viktor Orban (right) gives an interview to host Zsolt Torocsik on Kossuth Radio’s "Good Morning, Hungary!" program in Brussels' Public Media Center, on March 21, 2025 (Photo: MTI / PM's Press Office / Zoltan Fischer)


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