PM Orban Takes Questions from University Students - Here Are His Answers + Video

PM Orban revealed what he believes is the key to success.

2025. 03. 03. 9:36
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and a university student (Source: Facebook / Viktor Orban)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Viktor Orban, who took questions from students at the Pannon University last Thursday, published a Q&A video, which can be viewed on his Instagram account

One of the students asked what it takes to be successful - what the secret to success is - given Viktor Orban’s more than three decades in politics. In response, Mr. Orban emphasized that

Back in the day, politics wasn’t something you just jumped in and out of. You didn’t spend a few years in politics and then move on. In my time, the first condition for success was to take it seriously! The second was to believe in what you are doing. This is a tough profession. Laci Papp used to say that boxing is the only sport where even the winner takes a beating. Politics is exactly the same. Even when you are successful, you get kicked around. You need a certain level of determination to withstand and endure it.

In his response, Viktor Orban emphasized that inner strength must come from the belief that the goal one is fighting for is far more important than any negative voices along the way.

A few days ago, Hungary's prime minister also shared a photo montage of the event on his social media, which can be viewed by clicking here.

Cover photo: PM Viktor Orban and a university student (Source: Facebook / Viktor Orban)

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