More criticism from the Soros agent

In Gerald Knaus’ interview with Magyar Narancs, he provided no response or reaction to our series detailing his cooperation with George Soros. This was unusually explained, claiming that the interview was conducted before the article series was published, before September 7th. Aside from worrying about rule of law, Knaus went on to urge sanctions implemented against Hungary.

Andras Karpati
2020. 09. 26. 9:50
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Magyar Narancs (a Hungarian liberal weekly magazine) conducted an interview with Gerald Knaus, Chairman of the Soros-backed European Stability Initiative (ESI); our paper recently released a series of articles exposing the tactics utilized by Knaus, the migration expert, who was responsible for the Soros-network’s relentless smear campaign against Hungary over the past six months.

Oddly enough, though the first part of our series was published more than two weeks ago, on September 7th, the Magyar Nemzet exposé was not mentioned because, according to the Magyar Narancs liberal weekly, they conducted their interview much earlier.

The ESI chairman claimed in his interview that Hungary receives too much support proportionally from the EU. Even though he did admit that through cohesion funding, both those who provide and receive support are benefitted (after all, the net contributing Member States are much richer than the rest and can freely reap the benefits of the markets provided)

he still emphasized that EU Member States receiving support must still adhere to the “Rule of law criteria”.

As is widely known, this term “rule of law” has in reality, become a tool to achieving the political agenda of a global liberal elite which entails, among other things: mass migration, multiculturalism, and the disproportionate application of minority rights (such as the LGBTQ minority) to society at large.

During the interview they mentioned the newest liberal expectation that EU support should go straight to those NGOs chosen by Brussels rather than local governmental bodies.

Most of them—as is now commonplace—have become heavily politicized. The NGOs financed by George Soros attack the Hungarian national-conservative cabinet on a daily basis without any regard for objectivity, purely reasoning according to their globalist views.

Knaus also floated the idea around that EU Member States would send funds to NGOs through the Norway Grants.

The Austrian researcher also called for the introduction of a so-called “emergency” mechanism (for example empowering the European Court of Justice with additional rights) if Brussels perceives that rule of law is in danger in any Member State. It is rather ironic that Knaus imagines this kind of system in his ideal Europe given that—not to mention its potential invasion of national sovereignty-- during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic this past spring, Knaus, along with his left-wing allies, so strongly criticized the Hungarian government’s state-of-emergency decree which introduced temporary, unique laws. What’s more, numerous other countries did nearly the exact same.

As our exposé revealed, within the past few months the ESI director has intensified his years-long attacks on Hungary. Knaus systematically, with cinematic-directorial precision, shared posts about his false accusative report on Hungary which aired on Holland’s public tv; this clueless report was about the purported inadequacy of patient care in Hungary.

Athina Németh (who since then has been exposed as a fraud) appeared in the video; in a previously aired clip from the Hungarian opposition alleging the lack of patient care, she lied in claiming she was an emergency medical technician.

Knaus worked in Bulgaria and Bosnia for five years at various NGOs, and from 2007 he held a scholarship from Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

The billionaire speculator himself personally hosted Knaus in 2004

and reassured him that the “very good cooperation between the Open Society foundation and the European Stability Initiative will continue to be promoted and extended in the future.”

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