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21:002024. június 26.
21:002024. június 26.

Ukraine does not deserve to be NATO member

NATO can promise Kiyv all the help it wants, but it will never bring victory for Ukraine.

Jacques Guillemain
2023. 07. 20. 16:05
Vilnius, 2023. július 12. Volodimir Zelenszkij ukrán elnök (b) és Jens Stoltenberg NATO-fõtitkár a NATO-Ukrajna Tanács ülése után tartott sajtóértekezleten a NATO vilniusi csúcstalálkozójának második napján, 2023. július 12-én. MTI/EPA/Toms Kalnins Fotó: Toms Kalnins
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Ukraine deserves no respect and has no place in NATO or the European Union. Its war is not our war, and the EU does not need yet another burden at the expense of net contributors to Brussels, including France. (Of course, if we want to ruin our masters, let's just admit Ukraine to the EU!) 

In any case, the Vilnius NATO Summit Communique is far from what the media darling, who thinks he deserves everything, expected.

We will be in a position to extend an invitation to Ukraine to join the Alliance when Allies agree and conditions are met.

he text says. It would be hard to say no in more vague terms. If it depends on fighting corruption, Kiyv could wait a thousand years. 

Volodymyr Zelensky, disappointed at the summit's rejection of his country's membership, was overcome with bitterness. 
“There does not seem to be any will for Ukraine to become a member of the alliance," said the president, who still thinks of himself as Ukraine's Churchill. He added: “Ukraine deserves respect!”

But what kind of respect? Respect for a regime that came to power in a CIA coup in 2014? Or for one of the most corrupt mafia states on the planet? For a power that sells the weapons that it receives from the West on encrypted internet networks? A gang that, according to the CIA, has embezzled four hundred million dollars in Western aid? A country that has never respected the Minsk agreements, which could have prevented the war? For a regime that has persecuted the people of the Donbass for eight years? For the neo-Nazi units that committed the most terrible war crimes in Donbass, killing 15,000 people? For an army that executed Russian prisoners of war in complete disregard of the laws of war? To Zelensky, who would use a nuclear arsenal against Moscow as a preventive measure? To a regime that allows its people to be slaughtered at Washington's behest? To a power that creates scenes suggesting war crimes in order to demonize Putin?

Enough of lies, shameful acts and hypocrisy!

Ukraine has been getting itself in trouble since 2014. Ever since the Americans overthrew a democratically elected pro-Russian regime in 2014 while claiming to defend democracy, Kiyv has been sowing the seeds for a future confrontation with Moscow. Ukraine's counter-offensive — aimed at convincing the West of the justification for their gigantic investments in Ukraine — is a fiasco.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has recently made an assessment, revealing endless killing. Not a single Ukrainian attack reached the first Russian defence line. Twenty-six thousand Ukrainian soldiers have been killed since Ukraine launched its counter-offensive on 4 June, Sergei Shoigu disclosed on Tuesday. He detailed that 21 Ukrainian military aircraft, 5 helicopters, 1,244 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, including 17 German Leopards and 12 US Bradley fighting vehicles, had been destroyed. So were 403 artillery pieces, including 43 US M777 howitzers and 46 self-propelled canons. These were provided to the Ukrainians by Poland, the United States and France.

In the light of all this, even if Joe Biden is doing his utmost to prolong Ukraine's agony in the hope of holding out until the 2024 US elections, Europe that is bleeding in terms of the economy and military supplies would do better to assuage Washington's desire for war.

Emmanuel Macron, of course, as Joe Biden's most subservient lackey, is fanning the fires of war and wants Kyiv to attack Russia deep in its territory: SCALP-EG cruise missiles have an operational range of  five hundred kilometres. Neither the French people nor Parliament have been asked about this.

Mr Macron, like a dictator, decides alone about killing Russians, that is, about waging war with Russia. Such a decision is serious enough, but worst of all, there is no opposition in France.

It is time to understand that Russia's military potential is almost intact: while the West has run out of ammunition, Russia has colossal stockpiles left. Nor do I think Beijing will let Moscow lack anything after NATO dreams of establishing itself in Asia to counterbalance China. Russian artillery will never run out of guns. Ukraine, with a population of 44 million, has suffered between 350,000 and 400,000 deaths since the outbreak of the war, while Russia, with a population of 144 million, has suffered a tenth of that death toll. In other words, in proportion to population, the Ukrainians lost thirty times as many soldiers. NATO can promise Kyiv all the help it wants until the end of time, but that will never bring a Ukrainian victory.

The author is a retired French military officer and columnist for the Riposte Laique news portal

Cover photo:Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on second day of NATO Vilnius summit, 12 July 2023 (Photo: MTI/EPA/Toms Kalnins)

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