With Macron at the helm, the situation is hopeless

There is no hope of saving France so long as a pro-globalization party is in power.

Jacques Guillemain
2023. 07. 04. 17:14
Párizs, 2023. július 2. Rendõrök összecsapnak tiltakozókkal Párizs központjában 2023. július 1-jén. A francia nagyvárosokban 45 ezer rendõrt mozgósítottak, miután Nanterre-ben június 27-én egy közúti ellenõrzést végzõ francia rendõr intézkedés közben lelõtt egy 17 éves fiút. Ezt követõen zavargások törtek ki több városban is, a tiltakozók épületeket és jármûveket gyújtottak fel vagy rongáltak meg. A fiatal életét kioltó rendõrt elõzetes letartóztatásba helyezték. MTI/EPA/Mohamed Badra Fotó: Mohamed Badra
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

There is no hope of saving France so long as a pro-globalization party is in power. The country could only be saved from the threat of racial chaos and civil war by a seasoned patriot, such as Éric Zemmour or Hungary's Viktor Orban, because the urban guerrilla warfare that's become widespread throughout France is nothing other than the beginning of an inter-communal civil war. No one can deny the cries of hatred against France and its "indigenous" people that were heard during the riots. Integration is a failure with the young immigrants - many of whom do not feel French - further exacerbating the situation.

So the worst is yet to come, and it's futile to keep preaching about a completely illusory cultural enrichment among the veiled faces. For, as we have seen during the riots, authorities have found firearms that were used against police, with some rioters even toting Kalashnikovs.

President Emmanuel Macron was brought to power by pro-globalization forces in an unprecedented political-judicial coup. Never before have we seen such a fast-tracked, yet meticulously quibbling justice system as the one used to oust conservative presidential candidate Francois Fillon, who was accused of trivialities compared to all the massive scandals surrounding Macron since he first entered the political scene. Mr Fillon was literally crushed by the system, and he had no chance of getting away with it. The globalists wanted Macron, and he, although unknown to the public, had no shortage of money or support to campaign on. With a mission to turn France into a simple residential living quarters in the great, global multicultural village that is under construction, Macron became a virtuoso in his assignment designed to destroy the nation.

We have lost our monetary, fiscal, territorial, judicial, energy and diplomatic sovereignty. Nothing is now decided in the Élysée Palace without first having it reviewed by Brussels, which must toe the line of head honchos at the World Economic Forum, in Davos.

Macron is just an executive who will never deviate from the globalist path. In the six years of his presidency, three million immigrants have found their way to our country, counting both legal and illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, the public debt has increased by EUR 750 billion, our industry and agriculture are losing out to unfair competition, and our nuclear energy has been sacrificed on the altar of German-Brussels imperialism. The dismantling of public security is explosive, with a hundred and twenty knife attacks taking place each day. Macron is the gravedigger of the nation - that is his mission.

There is nothing new in this civil war that's been imposed on us by the clash of civilizations and integration's failure, something the establishment has denied for thirty years. We have long lost count regarding the books and articles written on the subject. When the millions of incoming migrants have nothing in common with the natives, neither in terms of France's history, its culture, traditions, religion or way of life, how could these communities share a common future and live in harmony? It is impossible, as everyone has already pointed out, including De Gaulle, Poniatowski, Jean-Marie Le Pen, and even Zemmour. The events taking place are proving them right. However, if a true patriot was to assume power, he or she would only have to put Zemmour's program into practice in order to save France. I have never seen such an elaborate migration program, which includes some forty pro-active measures and ten instructive tables. When he rose to power in 2017, President Macron had no immigration agenda beyond saying that it was a matter of fate that we had to accept. His stance has led to a surge in asylum and visa applicants.

We are told that violence has reached a new, unprecedented level with rioters attacking some mayors' offices. Are we having fun now? Wasn't the case of Samuel Paty, the decapitated high school teacher, a new threshold in violence? Or the twelve-year-old, completely innocent girl named Lola, who was raped, tortured and then slaughtered? Or the little children in Annecy who were seriously wounded with knives? Violence has been omnipresent in France, ever since it became the most perilous country in the world. Everyone is afraid, starting with Macron, who is protected by hundreds of police officers wherever he goes. The police, the teachers, the firemen, the nurses, the women on public transport, the schoolchildren - everyone is afraid, because they have either been stripped of their authority, or are not protected. Macron is protected, but the French are the victims of 120 knife attacks each day, which translates into 44,000 knife attacks a year.

Civil war is unavoidable so long as a globalist is in power. 

Macron will not introduce any emergency measures that could save the country, such as stopping immigration, rearming France's paralyzed police forces, depriving all criminals of social rights, and stripping dual-citizen criminals of their citizenship and then expelling them.

The author is a retired French military officer and publicist for the Riposte Laique news portal


Cover photo: Riots in France (Photo: Mohamed Badra)


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