Hungary FM: Hungary's pro-peace position based on national interest highly appreciated worldwide

Outside Europe, Hungary's honest, pro-peace stance based on national interest, which does not aim to conform to the international liberal mainstream, is highly appreciated throughout the world, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto said in New York.

2023. 09. 19. 15:55
Budapest, 2023. július 4. Szijjártó Péter külgazdasági és külügyminiszter érkezik a budapesti Magyar-Jordán Üzleti Fórumra 2023. július 4-én. MTI/Hegedüs Róbert Fotó: Hegedüs Róbert
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Following the first day of his visit, Hungary's foreign minister pointed out that delegations from almost two hundred countries regularly come together at the annual general assembly of the United Nations. The event is practically a rendezvous for the world, and therefore can be regarded as a gold mine for those engaged in foreign policy, said the statement issued by the foreign ministry.

I also seize this opportunity to discuss issues mainly with non-European foreign ministers, as we meet our European counterparts basically every week or every month,

he said. He pointed out that during the day, he attended an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers with a main focus on the Sahel, where the crisis caused by the recent coups, arbitrary seizures of power is threatening to spread in the region.

Instability leads to growing migration flows, and instability could be a reason for hundreds of thousands and even millions of people to set out for Europe. And since Europe is already facing a very serious security threat from the east due to the war, if such a security threat also comes from the south in the form of illegal migration, it could entail very serious consequences, he warned.

He met with several of his counterparts from Asia, South America and Africa, Peter Szijjarto said. 

 And the fact is that Hungary's position based on honesty and the representation of national interest, which does not aim to conform to the international liberal mainstream, is highly appreciated throughout the world, as it seeks no pats on the back or words of praise,

he said.

Hungary's honest position, based on the assertion of the national interest, and in this case aiming to achieve peace, is highly appreciated throughout the world, he stressed. The whole world is waiting for the war to end, because the impacts of the war have unfortunately become globalized. For the time being, the war is regional, and we hope it will remain so, but the effects of the war have already become global, he continued, adding that the international community accepts Hungary's position with understanding, especially since Hungarians are also losing their lives in the fighting. Therefore, it is clear that the only morally justifiabable position for the government is to establish peace as soon as possible in order to save human lives.

The minister welcomed the agreements concluded with Sierra Leone and Bangladesh, which will offer scholarships to fifty students from each country annually to pursue their studies at universities in Hungary. Bangladesh and Hungary also aim to strengthen economic ties, with nuclear cooperation becoming an important dimension of the relations, as both countries are building power plants of the same type. 

Speaking about his talks with his Uzbek counterpart, he said that the two countries will continue their joint work in the Organization of Turkic States. In recognition of Hungarian water technologies, the organization has picked Budapest to establish its Drought Prevention Institute, which is particularly important for the Central Asian country.

He underlined that exports to Malaysia could also grow thanks to a recent agriculture agreement on exporting Hungarian food products.

Speaking about his meeting with Ecuador's foreign minister, he said it felt particularly good to talk about shared Christian traditions and values, especially since Budapest hosted the last International Eucharistic Congress, which will be held in Quito next year. 

We have concluded important agreements at the UN General Assembly, we have important negotiations behind us, and this is only the first day,

Peter Szijjarto said in conclusion.

Cover photo: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto arrives at the Hungary-Jordan Business Forum in Budapest on July 4, 2023 (Photo: MTI/Robert Hegedus)

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