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Hungary's president delivers heart-touching speech in New York + video

"A strong, united and healthy family is a guarantee of security,” Katalin Novak underlined in her address to world leaders at the UN General Assembly. In her heart-touching speech, Hungary’s president spoke about the suffering caused by the war in Ukraine and the need for peace, as well as how to tackle the demographic challenges we face.

2023. 09. 20. 12:31
NOVÁK Katalin; TOKAJEV, Kaszim-Zsomart;
Novák Katalin az ENSZ fenntarthatósági csúcstalálkozóján Fotó: Bartos Gyula
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"All for the people, and all by the people. Nothing about the people without the people," Katalin Novak began her speech at the UN General Assembly, quoting the words of Lajos Kossuth. This remains the purpose of the sovereign Hungarian state and the guarantee of our freedom, the president of Hungary pointed out. The Hungarian people want peace and security, because we know from our history what war, oppression and occupation are like, she said.

That is why we condemn clearly and unequivocally the violation of international law, the attack on another state, the Russian aggression against Ukraine, which has caused immense suffering and destruction, and has destroyed the peaceful life of Europe,

Hungary's president underlined. She highlighted that Hungary is providing large-scale humanitarian aid to Ukraine and to all those fleeing the war. This war directly affects Hungary and Hungarians, as Hungarian fathers and sons living in Transcarpathia are also giving their lives in the trenches, she said.

Thus we want peace. In our country, in Ukraine, in Europe, in the world. Peace and the security that comes with it,

Hungary's president underscored.

Katalin Novak recalled that at the invitation of President Volodymyr Zelensky, she has been to Kyiv twice since the outbreak of the war, pointing out that she has seen the suffering Ukrainian families are going through. 

The suffering affects families first and foremost: mothers who lose their husbands and sons, fathers who go into battle with their barely grown-up sons, children who lose their sense of security and faith in the future,

she said, underlining that there is no alternative to peace. She emphasized that Hungary cannot decide for Ukrainians about how much they are prepared to sacrifice, but the Hungarian government has the duty to represent its own nation's desire for peace. Hungary has been always respectful towards other nations, loyal to allies and partners alike, a proud and active member in organisations of the Euro-Atlantic integration, she stressed.

We do our share of the joint tasks even beyond our size and economic weight,

she pointed out. Hungary's president then called on those gathered at the UN General Assembly to "demand a ceasefire and a just peace".


Family is a guarantee of security

Hungary's head of state recalled Pope Francis' visit to Budapest in the spring and the fifth demographic summit in Budapest, which ended three days ago. In addition to war, a large part of the world is facing a difficulty that is oppressing it from within, she noted.

In Europe and in many of your countries, the demographic winter has turned into an ice age,

she said, adding that this issue will have an immeasurable impact on our economies, societies and security in the near future. Demographic decline is perhaps a more serious problem than the climate crisis, and what is the point in looking after the Earth if we don't have children to pass it on to, she asked, quoting the words of South African-born US billionaire Elon Musk. 

Hungary was the first country in the world to put the strengthening of families and the tackling of  the demographic crisis into the focal point. We have built a broad family support system. In the European Union, we are the ones to spend the most on family support. This has not destroyed the Hungarian economy. On the contrary, strengthening families is positive in economic terms,

Katalin Novak underlined, highlighting that the message of the Budapest demographic summit is clear: pro-family forces stand up for their values and interests even at a time when anti-family and anti-child ideologies are on an unprecedented offensive. 

A strong, united and healthy family is a guarantee of security,

Hungary's president said in conclusion.

Cover photo: Hungarian President Katalin Novak (c) at the UN Sustainable Development Goals Summit in New York, co-moderating leaders' discussion with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev (l) in New York on September 18, 2023 (Photo: MTI/Sandor Palace/Gyula Bartos)

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