President Novak: We Trust In Talent, Diligence, Grace + Video

We stand on the threshold of 2024 full of expectations and hope, trusting that we can face our tasks with renewed energy, vitality and momentum, Hungarian President Katalin Novak said. Her New Year's greeting speech was broadcast by public media after the singing of the National Anthem on Monday.

2024. 01. 01. 16:16
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– „We trust in talent, diligence, and grace”, said the President, urging all Hungarians, regardless of age, to run, hike, swim, cycle, play football, and exercise in 2024.
– „Let’s move together; let 2024 be the year of exercise!” Katalin Novak stressed. She encouraged everyone to follow the example of professional athletes, not just cheering but also engaging in physical activity.

In her speech, President Novak reflected on the memorable events of 2023, a year „when we had reasons to rejoice and be proud.” These included the visit of Pope Francis to Budapest, the Nobel Prize awarded to Katalin Kariko and Ferenc Krausz, the World Athletics Championships, and the football team's qualification for the European Championship as a group leader.

It was heartening to see the President of Hungary being received with respect in all thirty countries that I have officially visited this year, Katalin Novak remarked.

They recognize our nation as talented, with a strong sense of self-awareness, a unique mindset, and a robust will to succeed,” Ms. Novak pointed out, emphasizing that even if they don't always comprehend us, they do pay attention.

– I personally work towards ensuring that this attention translates into understanding and cooperation, she stressed.

Hungary's president recalled that there is war in Ukraine and Israel, mass protests, economic and political instability in the world. Here at home, there is anxiety and a struggle for everyday life, but we can live in peace, she stressed.

President Novak characterized 2023 as the year of encounters and expressed gratitude to people for helping "us walk with open eyes, ears, and hearts."

Ms Novak expressed gratitude to doctors and nurses for providing hope for a full life to Panni, born at 520 grams, and her twin sister. She also thanked the helpers who rescued little Ahmet and his companions from the rubble of the earthquake in Turkey.

Her appreciation extended to the workers of the children's home in Balassagyarmat, as well as those in Tiszabo, Tiszaalpar, Sarkeresztur, Soshartyán, the small farmers of Fonyod, and the people of Rimoc, Terenyi, and Hollokő for preserving the traditions of the village. Special acknowledgment went to the teachers in Kecskemet, Mor, Csurgo, Pannonhalom, Somogyvar, Nyírbator, and Mexikói Road, along with the charity shelter in Lajoskomarom, the Single Parent Centers, and homeless shelters.

President Novak recalled December 2003, when Hungarians anticipated the new year with the knowledge that Hungary would soon become a member of the European Union. 

Today, she noted, we witness both the benefits and challenges, never forgetting the promise of full membership in the bloc,

– she pointed out, adding that this week the postman in Brussels had delivered some of our money among other letters of formal notice.

Hungary's President also recalled that newborns, children and grandchildren are the source of hope and serenity, they give meaning to spending money, building the country, teaching, and we want to create a more predictable, peaceful and happy future for them.

At the end of her speech, President Katalin Novak wished all Hungarians a hopeful New Year.

Cover photo: Hungarian President Katalin Novak during her New Year's greeting  (Source: MTI/Sandor Palace)

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