Zsolt Bayer: At the Threshold of World War III

President Macron announced that it was necessary to deploy NATO troops to Ukraine to fight against the Russians.

2024. 03. 19. 16:11
TUSK, Donald; MACRON, Emmanuel; SCHOLZ, Olaf
Berlin, March 15, 2024: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (r), French President Emmanual Macron and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (l) at a welcoming ceremony at the Chancellery in Berlin, during the summit of the leaders of the Polish-French-German cooperation group, the so-called Weimar Triangle. The Weimar Triangle was founded in 1991 by Poland, Germany and France. MTI/AP/DPA/Michael Kappeler Fotó: Michael Kappeler
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

President Macron announced that it was indeed necessary to have NATO troops in Ukraine to fight against the Russians.  

President Macron also stressed that there will be French troops in Ukraine, because he is the president and so he will make that call. He also stated that France is in possession of nuclear weapons, so we should be careful. 

The German Chancellor, Mr Scholz, is still somewhat hesitant, but his over-hawkish Green Party Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock appeared as an enthusiastic supporter of the French president's ideas. Donald Tusk - a Brusselite and prisoner of the US "deep state" - and his foreign minister, Mr Sikorski, have done the same, so the Poles have positioned themselves in the antechamber of World War III, closely behind the narrow little shoulders of the French president. 

Germany's education minister has gone so far as to announce that German kids must be readied for the impending war, because they need to know the dangers they may encounter in the event of a military conflict.

And President Putin, hearing all this, announces that Russia, for its part, is ready for nuclear war. Wonderful. 

After listening, reading and watching all this, one cannot help but ponder the outbreak of the war: that for two years now we've been told that Viktor Orban is solely driven by his domestic political goals when emphasizing the risk of the escalation of the war, that none of this is true, it's all just Orban's lies, and they must be treated as such. 

Well, my dear friends, perhaps it is time to ask: who is speaking nonsense here? Who has completely lost their mind? Who is lying through their teeth? And isn't it apparent that we should no longer be discussing the threat of an escalating war, but rather acknowledging the reality of it? After all, we are on the threshold of World War III.

Cover photo: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (Photo: MTI/AP/DPA/Michael Kappeler)

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