Hungary Stands By Pro-Peace Stance, says MEP + video

Hungarian governing party MEP and Fidesz-KDNP EU list leader Tamas Deutsch explained why the European Parliament is not dealing with the real problems.

2024. 04. 11. 15:13
Deutsch Tamás, a Fidesz EP-listavezetője Fotó: Photo: MTI/Zoltan Balogh
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

On the occasion of Wednesday's two mini plenary sessions in Brussels, Tamas Deutsch, Fidesz MEP and head of the party group, put out a video post on Facebook in which he talks about why the European Parliament (EP) is not catering to the needs of European citizens.

Today, instead of solving the problems of European citizens, the European Parliament is back to harassing Hungary politically. No matter the joint scheming of the left-wing majority in the EP, together with the Hungarian dollar-Left, we will continue to defend Hungarian interests and stand by our pro-peace stance today,

he posted.

MEPs are not at all concerned with the EU's economic performance or about the fact that farmers are revolting, he said, noting that EU politicians are also doing nothing to address what the Bloc's misguided sanctions policy prompted by the Russia-Ukraine war has done to the European Union. The left-wing majority in the European Parliament has decided that two weeks from now, at the end-of-term plenary session in Strasbourg, they will also adopt a resolution condemning Hungary in every aspect, echoing the lies the domestic dollar-Left has been spreading, he added.

What is the explanation for the European Parliament dealing with the harassment of Hungary instead of with the problems affecting European people? Hungary has a steadfast pro-peace position, despite the political blackmail of the Brussels bureaucracy. Hungary is withstanding pressure from the Brussels bureaucracy to let in illegal migrants and is saying no to migration. We are being punished for this political position,

he stated.

No matter the machinations plotted in Brussels, the MEP stressed, we will defend Hungarian interests. And regardless of the scheming of the dollar-Left together with their European comrades, Hungary will stand by its pro-peace stance, reject gender ideology madness, defend its sovereignty and say no to illegal migration.

Cover photo: Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch at the press conference following the meeting of the European Affairs Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly at the Parliament Building on March 27, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Balogh)


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