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Hungary FM's Message to Politicians Saying Crazy Things

"The people will have a chance in the European Parliament elections on June 9 to send a message to European politicians 'talking crazy talk' that enough is enough and to vote for peace," Hungary's Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto said in Amman on Wednesday.

Forrás: MTI2024. 05. 23. 12:54
Hungary's Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto in talks with Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi in Jordan (Source: Facebook/Szijjarto Peter)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

According to a statement put out by the ministry, Peter Szijjarto said at a joint press conference with his Jordanian counterpart, Ayman Safadi, that both countries are located in regions currently facing grave security challenges despite neither being at fault for those respective regional tensions.

Neither of us are responsible for the emergence of these conflicts, yet we are among those who are paying the price for them.

"The Hungarian people are rightly fed up with this. They want peace, and the entire country, the entire nation, is baffled by the extremely dangerous and crazy things certain European politicians are saying... Some European politicians want to send soldiers to Ukraine, and others are fantasizing about deploying nuclear weapons. If either of those materializes, it will mean a world war, and those of us who live in the immediate vicinity of the armed conflicts will again pay the price," he added.

In the European Parliamentary elections on June 9th, the minister said, people can vote for peace and send a message to the European politicians talking "crazy talk" that enough is enough.

And we are fed up with dangerous statements that put us at risk. We are fed up with them wanting to draw all of Europe, and indeed the whole world, into war. We are fed up with the talk of sending ground troops and deploying nuclear weapons to Ukraine,

the Hungarian FM stated. 

Valuing relationships

He then spoke of the increased importance - especially in the current situation - of stable and reliable cooperation based on mutual respect, which is precisely the nature of the relationship between Hungary and Jordan. Hungary highly values the role of the Middle Eastern country in maintaining stability in the region and in the fight against terrorism and extremism, he emphasized.

FM Szijjarto believes that the October 7 terrorist attack against Israel marks a new era in the Middle East and that the situation also poses a security risk for Europe.

The international community should focus on preventing an escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the outbreak of an open inter-state war, he explained.

We also see Jordan's stability and common sense approach as key because we believe that such common sense politics are the hope that peace can one day return to the Middle East. And, of course, we must also ensure that a repeat of the terrorist attacks that hit Israel on October 7 never again happens anywhere in the world.

He noted that everything must be done to protect civilians and labeled the obstruction of humanitarian activities unacceptable while also calling for the hostages to be released as soon as possible.

The minister praised Jordan's role in providing for refugees, while also warning that without this, millions of people would be pouring into Europe.

Therefore, we believe that Jordan deserves every support from Europe,

he said, announcing that during the forthcoming Hungarian EU Presidency, the government intends to convene a meeting of the EU-Jordan Association Council to discuss further assistance. In this context, he underlined that help should be brought to where the problems are and not imported. Within the framework of this strategy, the Hungarian government has provided four million dollars in refugee assistance to Jordan over the past five years and the Hungary Helps program will be opening a representative office in Amman to improve the effectiveness of its work, he said.

He also reported that several agreements were signed during the visit, one of which will allow for four hundred Jordanian students to continue studying at Hungarian universities every year. In addition, a joint training program for young diplomats will be launched, cooperation in the field of environmental protection will be strengthened and youth cooperation will be started.

Cover photo: Hungary's Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto in Jordan (Source: Facebook/Szijjarto Peter)



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