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PM Orban's Policy Chief: Hungary Must Stay Out Of War

The Hungarian government's position is clear: a widening of the Russia-Ukraine war must be avoided. Hungary does not have to take part in the fighting on either side, the Hungarian prime minister's political director said on Tuesday.

2024. 05. 15. 16:19
Photo: Balazs Ladoczki
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Russia-Ukraine war has been going on for two years and Europe appears to have engaged in war preparations, Balazs Orban, the Hungarian prime minister's political director, said at a doorstep press conference held at the Klein-Labassy Culture Curia in Torokszentmiklos, central Hungary. It cannot be ruled out that the war, which "in our understanding is an internal war between two Slavic peoples", will sooner or later turn into a direct conflict between NATO - that is, Western countries - and Russia, he added. 

Staying out of the war is in the interest of Hungarians. The question is who is capable of preserving Hungary's peace and security, who is capable of resisting the pressure that is being exerted on the country from Brussels and certain Western European capitals,

he said.

The last two years have shown that the left, no Hungarian opposition party -  be it the old or the new opposition - is able to resist the pro-war pressure, he pointed out.

The new opposition is not capable of resisting the pro-war pressure, given that "they receive funding, media support, backing, international ties" from abroad and from these "pro-war countries", 

the policy chief opined.

Therefore, if they win the mandate on June 9 - whether to lead the municipalities or to represent Hungary in the European Parliament - they would certainly facilitate Hungary's entry into war, sending of soldiers, participation in war preparations and authorization of arms deliveries to Ukraine, in accordance with their "clients' demands", said Balazs Orban.

He stressed that it is in the Hungarian national interest, regardless of party political affiliation, that this not happen. At the moment, the MEPs and candidates of the government side are the only guarantors of Hungary's peace and security. 

In order to preserve the peace and security of the country, the policy chief urged everyone to support the Fidesz-KDNP candidates on June 9.

Zsolt Herczeg, Fidesz MP for the region, said that their political community has been on the side of peace since the outbreak of the war, adding:

"our peace and security" is at stake on June 9. 

The doorstep press conference will be followed by a Civic Evening panel discussion, where the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions, the MP said.

Cover photo: Balazs Orban (Photo: Balazs Ladoczki) 

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