EP Group Leader: European Commission Must Urgently Take Action Against Ukraine's Blackmail

It is the duty of the European Commission to protect the interests of member states, and the body should take immediate action against Ukraine's blackmail, the MEP of Fidesz told Hungarian public radio on Friday morning.

2024. 08. 10. 14:37
Tamas Deutsch, Fidesz-Christian Democrats EP group leader, on July 23, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Tamas Purger)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

A non-EU country that is in association talks with the EU is violating the association agreement, but despite Ukraine's unlawful conduct, the European Commission "does not lift a finger", EP group leader Tamas Deutsch said, speaking about the letter that the Fidesz-Christian Democrats EP group sent the European Commission, calling on it to fulfill its obligations and stand up against Ukraine's blackmail threatening the energy security of EU member states. According to the EU's founding treaty, nothing can jeopardize the energy security of its member states, the MEP stressed.

An unprecedented situation arose when Ukraine made the decision to stop oil supplies to two EU member states, namely  Hungary and Slovakia, Tamas Deutsch said, pointing out that the move seriously affects the energy security of the two countries, as significant volumes of their oil supply could be lost. The Ukrainians have made it clear that the basic aim underlying the decision is to politically blackmail Slovakia and Hungary into changing their pro-peace stance and joining the pro-war coalition that is helping the expansion of the Russia-Ukraine war with money, arms and political support, he said.

In his view,  it is clear that the Ukrainians can ignore the issue and value of energy security at any time if it serves their political goals. They can also violate the association agreement, because the European Commission believes that it must politically stand up for Ukraine under all circumstances.

He added that pro-war political interests override everything in Ukraine's case, and the commission will not even fulfill its most basic obligations if the move would strengthen pro-peace efforts.  Because of this pro-war commitment, the commission is ready to turn a blind eye to political blackmail, he added.

Brussels' decisions are driven by "ideological blindness" that ignores the law, but sooner or later Ukraine will take steps that directly harm the economic, political and security interests of Western European countries, and then the commission will take the necessary measures, Tamas Deutsch opined.

He noted that some member states have already deemed it necessary for the commission to take action against Ukraine's blockade of oil supplies.
The application of double standards ends when certain decisions harm the interests of the dominant, large EU countries, and with the Ukraine having been encouraged, such actions are easily conceivable, Tamas Deutsch said.

Cover photo: Tamas Deutsch, Fidesz-Christian Democrats EP group leader, on July 23, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Tamas Purger)

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