State Secretary Discusses Strengthening Hungary-Ukraine Relations in Kyiv

Levente Magyar, parliamentary state secretary at Hungary's ministry of foreign affairs and trade, held talks in Kyiv with his Ukrainian counterpart to discuss improving Hungary-Ukraine ties and resolving contentious issues.

2024. 10. 19. 12:07
Levente Magyar, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in discussions with Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Andriy Sybiha (back to camera) in Kyiv on October 18, 2024 (Photo: MTI/KKM/Marton Kiraly).
Levente Magyar, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in discussions with Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Andriy Sybiha (back to camera) in Kyiv on October 18, 2024 (Photo: MTI/KKM/Marton Kiraly).
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

On Friday, Levente Magyar told Hungary's state news agency (MTI) that this was his third visit to Ukraine since February 2022, when the Russia-Ukraine war began. Along with his Ukrainian counterpart and three other deputy ministers, they reviewed key areas of Hungarian-Ukrainian cooperation.

This is a robust cooperation, even though discussions often focus on contentious issues. Behind the scenes, significant work is underway to continuously strengthen Hungary-Ukraine ties in critical areas, such as energy,

– the state secretary said. He added that Hungary has become Ukraine’s largest electricity supplier, a fact that the Ukrainian side appreciates, which is particularly important now, at a time when much of Ukraine's energy infrastructure has been devastated by the war.

The Ukrainian side reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring the uninterrupted flow of oil from Ukraine, which is of strategic importance to Hungary,

– Mr. Magyar stated. 

SZIBIHA, Andrij; MAGYAR Levente
State Secretary Levente Magyar in Kyiv (Photo: KKM/Marton Kiraly) 

The state secretary also disclosed that he held talks with Ukraine’s deputy minister of education, with whom they have been working for years on resolving educational issues affecting Transcarpathia's Hungarian minority. "There have been certain legal restrictions that Budapest could not ignore," he noted. While progress has been made, and partial solutions achieved, no major breakthrough has yet occurred. However, there is reason to expect significant advancements, which could eventually remove minority issues as a barrier to improving relations, Mr. Magyar said.

He added that discussions also focused on how to develop transport links between Ukraine, Hungary, and the European Union. "This is a crucial issue for Ukraine, especially since the war has closed eastern routes, and with air traffic fully restricted, the quality and capacity of road infrastructure has become even more important. Hungary, as one of Ukraine’s most vital routes to Western Europe, must undertake the necessary upgrades to expand these channels," he explained.

The sides also discussed railway and joint highway developments, opening new border crossings and improving existing ones, as well as extending their operating hours. "This comprehensive package will require direct European Union funding, as this is a billion-, or even multi-billion euro program," Mr. Magyar stated. Additionally, the state secretary met the deputy head of the Presidential Office, a former governor of Transcarpathia, with whom relations are excellent, allowing him to support Hungary-Ukraine relations at the highest level.

Cover photo: Levente Magyar, parliamentary state secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in discussions with Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Andriy Sybiha (back to camera) in Kyiv on October 18, 2024 (Photo: MTI/KKM/Marton Kiraly)


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