2025 a Year of Strengthening Hungary's Economy + Video

Peace could greatly benefit the EU economy.

2025. 01. 16. 16:39

VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungary has an exciting year ahead, Istvan Simicsko pointed out. The leader of the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) parliamentary group noted that the war, Brussels' flawed sanctions, and the ensuing energy crisis have severely weakened the economies of both Europe and Hungary. As a result, the European Union has fallen into a significant competitive disadvantage compared to the world’s major power centers.

At the same time, he expressed optimism about international political developments, suggesting that the shift in US politics has brought the resolution of the Russia–Ukraine war within reach.


Peace would have a positive impact on the currently stagnant EU economies,

Istvan Simicsko emphasized. Unlike their political opponents, he said, the Hungarian government is not sitting idly by waiting for miracles, nor does it expect solutions from abroad. The 2025 budget has been designed for a new economic policy, allocating more funds for economic development, wage increases, housing support, and family benefits.

The government aims to ensure a stable and predictable future for citizens, a goal it plans to achieve in cooperation with employers, he said, highlighting that 

 one objective is to achieve an average monthly wage of one million forints in Hungary.

Giving details, Istvan Simicsko said that over 1,600 billion forints will be allocated for the salaries of those working in education—double the amount provided by the left-wing government in 2010. Meanwhile, healthcare workers’ salaries will be more than four times higher than what doctors, nurses, and other professionals previously received. The government will also continue to guarantee the payment of a 13th-month pension, which the left-wing government had taken away from Hungarians.

A workers' loan scheme, modeled after student loans, will be introduced for young workers, along with new home creation and housing support programs.

Istvan Simicsko specifically mentioned that in 2025, under the Demjan Sandor Program, 1,400 billion forints in project funding will be available to Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). He also noted that

this year, more than 300 new projects will be launched in transportation infrastructure, education, and health care, with a total cost exceeding 8,100 billion forints.

"2025 will be a year of strengthening the Hungarian economy," remarked the parliamentary group leader of the Christian Democrats.

Cover photo: Illustration (Source: Shutterstock)

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