PM Orban to Hold Talks with Robert Fico in Slovakia

Energy security, the Russia–Ukraine war, and Ukraine's NATO membership are among the key issues to be discussed in Bratislava, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban will meet with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Both leaders have previously stated that Ukraine’s NATO membership is out of the question, with Mr. Orban emphasizing that it would bring too many risks.

2025. 01. 21. 13:04
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Slovak PM Robert Fico (Photo: MTI/PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Slovak PM Robert Fico (Photo: MTI/PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

PM Viktor Orban will hold talks with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico on Tuesday in Bratislava during a working lunch, Mr. Orban's press chief - Bertalan Havasi - told Hungary's state news agency (MTI).

The main topic of the discussions will be energy security for Hungary and Slovakia following the cessation of Ukrainian gas transit. Ukraine’s situation will also be on the agenda; the two leaders have previously made it clear on several occasions that Ukraine’s NATO membership is out of the question, and the country’s EU accession would pose many risks, particularly to European agriculture, 

– Mr. Orban's press chief said. 

Before meeting Orban, Fico also held talks with Erdogan

Robert Fico recently visited Turkey, where he met with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Following his visit to Ankara, PM Fico announced that President Erdogan had accepted his proposal regarding the use of the Turkish Stream pipeline. With this move, the Slovak prime minister has essentially paved the way for Russian gas to flow into Slovakia from Hungary via Turkey, Bulgaria, and Serbia.

Cover photo: Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Slovak PM Robert Fico (Photo: MTI/PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)

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