Tamas Menczer: Take Your Pick

The government extends the rural home renovation program to pensioners, while Peter Magyar, following Brussels’s orders, would take away the 13th-month pension.

Forrás: Facebook/MTI2025. 02. 10. 10:43
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"After defending utility cost reductions and reinstating the 13th-month pension, the government is now extending the rural home renovation program to pensioners. In contrast, Peter Magyar looks down on the elderly and would take away their 13th-month pension," the Fidesz-Christian Democrat (KDNP) communications director said in a video posted on his Facebook page on Sunday.

Tamas Menczer emphasized that the rural home renovation program affects 600,000 elderly people, each eligible for a three-million-forint (about 7,500 euros) subsidy to renovate their homes.

"Meanwhile, from Tisza Party chief Peter Magyar, the elderly can expect disdain, as he has referred to them as a 'pensioner commando',”

Menczer claimed.

The video includes an audio recording of Peter Magyar at an event, where he is heard saying: “I’ll sic my pensioner commando on you.”

Menczer also alleged that Peter Magyar believes elderly people "smell bad." To support this claim, the video includes another recording in which Magyar says: "People and their breath stink."

Furthermore, Menczer mentioned that Peter Magyar has told the elderly to "buy themselves a new grandchild" when they asked him to bring them back to Hungary. 

The Fidesz-KDNP communications director stressed that the Tisza Party leader does not like elderly people, a claim supposedly confirmed by his own advisor, agricultural entrepreneur Gyorgy Rasko. In the video, Rasko is heard saying: 

“Peter Magyar has clearly stated that for him, the upper age limit is 40-45 years” and “he doesn’t like elderly people either.”

Menczer concluded by saying that Peter Magyar disrespects the elderly and, under Brussels’s orders, would take away their 13th-month pension—something the Hungarian government will not allow to happen.

Cover photo: Peter Magyar, head of the Tisza Party (Photo: MTI/ Attila Polyak)

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