PM Orban Prepares for Hungary–Macedonia Summit

North Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski has arrived in Budapest ahead of the Hungary–Macedonia government summit. PM Viktor Orban welcomed his guest on Facebook, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between the two countries. The meeting will focus on economic and EU-related issues.

2025. 03. 04. 12:32
Hungarian Prime Minister Orban Viktor and North Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski (Photo: Facebook/Orban Viktor)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

On Monday evening, Viktor Orban received North Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski in Budapest ahead of the Hungary–Macedonia government summit set to begin the following day. Hungary's prime minister shared a post on Facebook stating:

Welcome to Budapest, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski! Tomorrow morning marks the start of the Hungary–Macedonia government summit. And what better place to prepare than at Kehli Mama’s? Time for some marrow bone!

The meeting is expected to cover economic relations between the two countries as well as North Macedonia’s European Union accession process. Earlier in the day, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto highlighted that Brussels and several EU member states have been acting hypocritically in the enlargement process, which could undermine the EU’s credibility in the Western Balkans—a topic our newspaper has also covered. In contrast, Hungary remains steadfast in its support for North Macedonia’s accession.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Orban Viktor and North Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski (Photo: Facebook/Orban Viktor)

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