The thousand faces of Prigozhin + video

This is what the Wagner chief looks like in wigs, with glasses, with a beard, or sporting a Libyan military uniform.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 07. 09. 15:12
Jevgenyij Prigozsin, az orosz Wagner zsoldos csoport vezetője. (Fotó: NEXTA / Twitter)
Jevgenyij Prigozsin, az orosz Wagner zsoldos csoport vezetője. (Fotó: NEXTA / Twitter)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Russian security services have found "interesting" items during their raid on the St Petersburg mansion of Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Wagner mercenary group, The Guardian reports.

In the course of the search, they allegedly found a wardrobe full of wigs, and photos of Prigozhin in various disguises wearing those wigs.

Ukrainian commentators meanwhile wasted no time in ridiculing the Wagner leader, and the Daily Mail drew attention to the post by Anton Gerashchenko, a Kyiv government official, who wrote, 

These are not shots from a casting for a role in a cheap comedy, but selfies of Prigozhin, yesterday's "Hero of Russia,

a reference to the halted Wagner rebellion against the Russian leadership at the end of June, after which the mercenary commander went into exile in Belarus for a time, but returned to Russia on Thursday.

Although the pictures were allegedly leaked on social media to "humiliate" the mercenary leader, it has also been suggested that they were manipulated. However, according to The Guardian, the images may actually be authentic.

Earlier, reports had emerged that Prigozhin had frequently traveled to different areas of the front, and had even visited Bahmut, which has been under fire for months;

Some speculated that he had used a double, but after learning about the photos, it is more likely that he traveled between cities in disguise.



В сеть начали сливать фотографии из личного архива Евгения Пригожина. Во время своих передвижений по Сирии и Африке, Евгений Викторович часто менял внешность. Вероятно, это было необходимо, чтобы минимизировать вероятность покушения

♬ Вагнер - Вика Цыганова

Cover photo: Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Russian Wagner mercenary group (Photo: NEXTA/Twitter)

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