Scheduled provocation: another act of vandalism at the Uz Valley Cemetery

This time the information boards were removed, by unknown perpetrators.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 08. 08. 13:29
Úzvölgyi katonatemető - Újabb román kereszteket helyeztek ki Fotó: Veres Nándor
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The police complaints were lodged on Monday by Harghita County Council President Csaba Borboly, and Sandor Birtalan, the mayor of Sânmartin, after unknown perpetrators have vandalized the information boards at the Uz Valley military cemetery. In a statement sent to Hungary's state news agency (MTI), the Harghita county municipality stressed that the incident was detected on Monday, adding that they filed a complaint with local police for damaging public property.

The info boards mounted on the cemetery's brick fence contain information in both Hungarian and Romanian about the history of the area and the battles fought in Uz Valley. 

According to the attached photos, more than a third of one of the signs has been broken off by unknown perpetrators. The municipalities concerned are asking for the authorities' help in identifying those responsible for the damage and are demanding legal action and information on the progress of the investigation. They stressed the importance of a swift and effective investigation of the case in order to maintain public order and safety, and to respect public property.

This is the second police complaint filed by local municipalities in a month concerning the international military cemetery. A few weeks ago, the mayor's office in Sânmartin also filed a criminal complaint with the Harghita County Police about the erection of new crosses at the cemetery on July 8. They described how the military cemetery has been desecrated again by the erection of the crosses and called for an investigation to hold the perpetrators accountable.

On July 8, supporters of the Path of the Nation (Calea Neamului) and other Romanian organizations erected 150 wooden crosses in the international military cemetery to replace the concrete ones removed on June 29. The smaller crosses, draped in Romanian national ribbons, were accompanied by a large one and a flagpole with the Romanian flag on it.

Cover photo: The entrance of the Uz Valley Cemetery (Photo: Nandor Veres)

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