"On the other side of the political spectrum, they have become so individualistic, in line with the progressive mantra, that they have also become fragmented and lonely, with no real community and no collective spirit," Miklos Szantho told Remix News in an interview recorded at the MCC Fest. He pointed out that CPAC Hungary is a prime example of right-wing networking, which shows the world that we can stand united against the attacks of the liberal elite.
We can show the world that we're able to stand up to the attacks of the liberal elite! - says analyst
We can only understand the significance of patriotic, right-wing community building when comparing our activity to the inactivity and fragmented nature of the Hungarian Left, Miklos Szantho, Director General at the Centre for Fundamental Rights, told Remix News.
Regarding Hungary's relations with Brussels, the director general pointed out that Hungary is a proud and strong member of the European Community, but he also recalled what was in Hungary's interest.
In terms of migration, border protection, the protection of family and children, and even in the Ukraine war, Hungary is defending true European interests and values.
"Brussels and the liberal mainstream are trying to shift decision-making from national to EU level in the name of European values. While doing so, they are also using Brussels' power to exert ideological pressure on member states that are not in line with the new liberal way of life and mantra,"
– Mr Szantho explained.
He also mentioned the ideological dimension of Hungary's conflict with Brussels over the infringement procedure launched against the country because of its Child Protection Law.
"When it comes to children, the state has to intervene very strongly to protect them. Family policy is a national competence," the director general has said.
Click here to read the full interview.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Cover photo: Illustration (Source: Miklos Szantho/Facebook)
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