Someone should introduce Daniel Freund, the German Green Party's full-time Hungarian-hater, to Socialist MEP Marie Arena. Our friend, who is extremely sensitive to corruption, would do better to keep his watchful eyes on his fellow MEPs from the new Left, instead of us, as Marie Arena's story provides a much better battleground for the fight against graft. After Belgian police had searched all the six properties linked to Ms Arena, they found nearly EUR 100 million in the one where her son lived. This is no coincidence, because Ms Arena is a member of an alleged criminal organization suspected to be run by former Italian MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri, who was held in pre-trial custody along with Greek politician Eva Kaili, the EP's former vice-president and Marc Tarabella, who also hails from Belgium. Don't let our friend - disgruntled Daniel - be fooled by the fact that these individuals are all at large now, freely voting in the EP's totally discredited meetings where EU states are being harassed, because this still is an international criminal gang involved in graft of unprecedented scale. And this is no joke! What is, however, starting to become ridiculous is how Mr Freund's sickly single-minded attention - mired in malicious lies - is compelling him to post and spread absurd nonsense about us, Hungarians, many times a day. He would do well to halt his smear campaign without delay, lest we should soon find out how much he receives in a rolling suitcase, and from whom, in exchange for discrediting Hungary.
Poor Daniel
Democracy and the rule of law are not synonymous with power held by the progressive new Left.
In any case, we regard his earlier outburst of joy - over the fact that Hungary still hasn't received the EU funds that it's entitled to - as an unrepentant confession. As he put it during a recent tantrum, more than €6 billion in European funds have been frozen from Orban, besides nearly 6 billion euros earmarked as part of a Coronavirus recovery fund. "This is a huge success that I've managed to achieve as a member of the Green Party," Mr Freund claims, in the style of a mentally challenged schoolboy who has no idea about what he has done, and even brags about his crimes. As a political handicap stuck at the level of a kindergarten sandbox, he may never be able to understand that it was not PM Orban who was deprived of resources by his accomplices, but the Hungarian people. Teachers expecting a significant pay rise, businesses wanting to develop, and many lagging regions wanting to catch up. They can go on and on about how it's not Hungary but its prime minister that they want to oust and weaken in the hopes that the sovereignist, national-conservative government - so viscerally hated by the liberals, toxic greens and neo-Marxists - will finally fall, but they should know one thing: at least three million people here consider them to be Hungarian-haters and destructive villains.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Poor Daniel has repeatedly expressed how he doesn't see the presence of a free and diverse media, of course not in Germany or Belgium, but here, in Hungray. But the fact is, that while his endless nonsense gets published unaltered all across Hungary on every imaginable platform, it would be impossible to release this very article in member states that are still being portrayed - rather falsely and misleadingly - as beacons of press freedom. In the hope that it will be translated, allow me to offer for your consideration some of our political principles: democracy and the rule of law do not equal power held by the progressive new Left. So, the internationalist Bolsheviks' globalist, intellectual successors losing an election is quite a far cry from a dictatorship. The freedom of press and speech does not mean exclusively liberals pushing their perspective. Although, I don't know if our German politician - who can be described as a watermelon: green on the outside and red on the inside, and who has been in a long-standing deep state of shock by the mere notion of nationalism - would understand any of this...
Cover photo: German Green MEP Daniel Freund in front of Hungary's National Assembly on May 17, 2023. (Source: Facebook/Daniel Freund)
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Címoldalról ajánljuk
Tovább az összes cikkhezHungary FM: New US Presidency Is Bringing New Era to the Western Balkans
An era of cooperation based on mutual respect is coming to the region.
PM Orban: It’s Hard to Find a More Hypocritical Political Class than Brussels Bureaucrats
European people are tired of Brussels' lies and deceit, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban posted on X.
Gergely Gulyas: Government Capable of Ensuring Security at Schools
More than 240 institutions in Hungary have been threatened in the name of Allah.
Hungary FM: Development Requires Peace
The ceasefire agreement will improve the security situation across the world, including Europe.