MEP: Brussels's Revenge Politics Scoffs at Hungary + Video

Change is needed and it can be achieved in next year's EP elections, says Hungarian MEP.

2023. 11. 15. 12:12
Strasbourg, 2023. október 16. A Fidesz európai parlamenti (EP) képviselõcsoportja által közreadott kép - Hidvéghi Balázs fideszes EP-képviselõ a magyar méhészeti tevékenység bemutatóján Strasbourgban 2023. október 16-án. A képviselõ által szervezett rendezvényen a magyar és az európai méhészek védelmére hívták fel a figyelmet. MTI/A Fidesz európai parlamenti képviselõcsoportja Fotó: A Fidesz európai parlamenti képviselőcsoportja
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Brussels's revenge politicing scoffs at Hungary and makes a mockery of the entire EU institutional system, said Fidesz MEP Balazs Hidveghi in a video post on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

The Hungarian governing party politician was reacting to Socialist MEP Elisabetta Gualmini's statement in the European Parliament plenary session a few days ago calling for continued pressure on the European Commission to deny funds to Hungary. 

In Brussels, they don't even try to conceal their attempts at political extortion,

Hidveghi said, adding that

it as quite obvious that "facts and law no longer matter at all" to left-wing MEPs.

"It is a blatant act of cynical political blackmail, with the sole aim of punishing Hungary for its stance on war, migration and child protection, and 

preventing Hungarians from receiving the EU funds that are rightfully theirs,"

 he said.

Gualmini had said that although they had withdrawn the rule of law in Hungary debate from the agenda, they would return to it later this month the Hungarian MEP said, noting that this was a stalling tactic on the part of left-wing MEPs to buy time to keep up the pressure on Hungary. “This is outrageous and unacceptable,” he said. .”

“There’s no place for such political blackmail in European politics, which is why change is needed in Brussels, and that change can be brought about in next year’s EP elections,"

Balazs Hidveghi concluded.

Cover photo: MEP Balazs Hidveghi (Photo: MTI/ Fidesz Group in the European Parliament)

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