Ukraine is a rather long way from being prepared for starting accession negotiations with the European Union. That's why Ukraine's EU membership is a bad decision, and Hungary did not want to take part in this bad decision, Tamas Deutsch, EP parliamentary group leader of Fidesz, told the Origo news portal in a year-end interview.
Brussels is preparing to bring decisions that could lead to very serious, negative consequences, the MEP of Fidesz pointed out, stressing the many European politicians do not have the political hinterland, political power or room for manoeuvre to stand up for themselves against the aggressive liberal mainstream.
Many people still believe that they will be able to force Hungary's prime minister and Hungary to their knees, but there is a growing number of those who see that they will fail, because the Hungarians hold out,
he said, adding that that many right-wing MEPs in Western Europe are forced to bow down to left-wing and liberal opinion terror because they do not want to risk their livelihoods and careers.
Tamas Deutch pointed out that the left wing and the liberal camp in Hungary are not capable of winning elections on their own, therefore to achieve success, they expect help, interference in Hungarian affairs, substantial financial support and funds to cover the costs of their campaigns to come solely from foreign powers.

The MEP quoted Prime Minister Viktor Orban as saying that "thirty years ago we thought Europe was our future, today we say that we are the future of Europe". By today, a devastating situation has unfolded where the European Union has been captured for a long time by the globalist Brussels elite that is extremely liberal and in love with the American democratic deep state; that wants to build a European empire and aims to dismantle European nation states; that speaks forcefully from top to bottom and is only able to act through maintaining relations of subordination and superiority instead of cooperation based on equality and mutual respect.
The original idea of an EU built on nations growing stronger through mutual cooperation - which has also led to the strengthening of Europe and helped it maintain its leading role in the world for many years - is now being lost, he added. Meanwhile, Europe's influence in world politics is steadily weakening and its economic performance is dwindling.
National pride, for example, is a natural, normal human emotion, an important European political value, but saying it openly and with commitment in today's Western Europe is - with some rare exceptions - tantamount to political suicide. Yet in the corridor or over a cup of coffee, many people tell us that you Hungarians are right, and thank you for your courage to speak the truth, he said.
The bureaucracy in Brussels considers Hungary to be extremely dangerous, because we Hungarians are the first to bravely and firmly represent our opinion, which differs from that of the Brussels mainstream, Tamas Deutsch said. Of course, one swallow does not make a summer, but many swallows signal that summer is approaching, and a change of seasons in European politics is something Brussels does not want. So they want to shoot this first swallow as soon as possible!
As a second step in the "internal sanctions-related" fiscal policy, half of the development money in the EU budget was taken out of regional development funds and an EU program, with funds awarded directly by Brussels, was created to support innovation, with the West announcing invitations to bids for itself at the expense of member states in Central and Eastern Europe. This was the so-called Horizon2000 program.
85-90 percent of this money went to Western Europe, that is, to the richest countries in the EU.
The European Commission and the Council of EU Finance Ministers have decided to disburse, in two tranches, more than 11 billion euros of development funds to Hungary, which have been withheld so far. "What Hungarians are entitled to is due to them, but we believe it when we see it." Of course, it is good when news comes from Brussels that we are to receive billions of euros, because this is not a small amount by any means, but it is still only part of what we Hungarians are rightfully entitled to. However, it is political blackmail to unlawfully withhold these funds.
He also spoke about the draft for a radical transformation of the EU being once again on the agenda, containing a number of "nightmarish" proposals.
The European Parliament wants to start a process of radically rewriting the EU's founding treaties, to create a Convention. Guy Verhofstadt has set his sights on chairing it. It is no longer simply a matter of Brussels steadily and stealthily taking powers away from the member states, but of plans to transform the internal functioning of the European Union as a whole.
This is not why we Hungarians joined the European Union, and neither is this the original goal set by the EU. The EU can only be effective with strong member states, because its strength derives precisely from the sovereignty of the member states. Abolishing it would essentially dismantle and destroy the European Union.
Today the European Union acts like a warmonger, and therefore the European swamp must be drained, he said, referring to next year's EP elections, and adding that he believes that a similar change could be expected in several European countries and the European Parliament itself.
I am therefore optimistic.
Click here to read the full article in Hungarian.
Tamas Deutsch, MEP of Fidesz, speaking to Origo (Photo: Sandor Csudai)