EU's Rule of Law Procedures Are Political Instruments

The European Union's rule of law procedures are political instruments, Hungary's EU affairs minister said on his Facebook page on Monday.

2024. 05. 28. 17:22
Hungary's EU Affairs Minister, Janos Boka (Source: Facebook, Janos Boka)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Janos Boka delivered a presentation at a two-day conference in Budapest organized by the Danube Instute, the Center for Fundamental Rights and The European Conservative, which kicked off started on Monday. In his post, Hungary's EU affairs minister emphasized that the "rule of law procedures are used tactically to force renegade member states into political alignment."

And strategically, they are used to promote the federalist project by marginalizing national constitutional institutions and claiming a monopoly on the definition and enforcement of European values,

 – he added.

According to Mr Boka, the EU is in dire need of a genuine rule of law procedure, but this requires turning the current instruments upside down. We need to ensure that the rule of law principles developed and applied in the member states are also applied by the EU institutions in their own operations, he stressed. He said it was particularly important that the procedure should include a mechanism that truly  limits the EU's actions to its delegated powers. However, this cannot be done by adapting the current instruments: a completely new approach is needed, Hungary's EU affairs minister underlined. 

Cover photo: EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka (Source: Facebook/Janos Boka) 

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