Hungary FM: June 9 an Opportunity for People to End the War

The Hungarian and European people will be able to put an end to the Russia-Ukraine war on June 9 by electing a sufficient number of pro-peace politicians to the European Parliament, Hungary's minister of foreign affairs and trade said in the town of Szekszard on Thursday.

2024. 05. 24. 13:47
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

With a pro-peace stance gaining ground, there will be a good chance that all the nuclear war insanity and the efforts to send troops to Ukraine can come to an end once and for all, and we can resume our everyday lives in peace and calmness in Hungary, striving for economic development, Peter Szijjarto told a press briefing in Szekszard on the sideline of a public forum organized by the governing parties as part of their national campaign tour.

He recalled that in recent weeks and months, several European politicians have made crazy statements. Some have fantasized about sending ground troops to Ukraine, others have even envisaged nuclear war. 

What is clear, he said, is that the longer the Russia-Ukraine war goes on, the greater the risk that it will expand in time and space. If this happens, it will not spread thousands of kilometers first, but spread here, in the neighborhood, he noted.

In the last two or two and a half years, he said, Hungary has been defending itself in every way possible, warding off attempts of pushing the country into war. He stressed that the pressure will increase, so it is in Hungary's interest to end the war as soon as possible.

Cover photo: Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto at the public forum held in Szekszard (Source: Facebook/ Peter Szijjarto)

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