Christian Democrats Leave EPP

In response to the EPP’s decision to admit Peter Magyar, the Christian Democrats decided to leave the EPP parliamentary group, Hungary's co-ruling Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) announced in a statement.

2024. 06. 19. 13:37
IMG_3799Deputy PM and KDNP President Zsolt Semjen holds a joint press briefing with Gyorgy Helvényi, KDNP's MEP (Photo: Sandor Csudai)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

After talks with EPP leader Manfred Weber, the Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP) made clear that they disagree with the EPP's pro-war doctrine and oppose on moral grounds the admission of the Respect and Freedom (Tisza) Party to the EP group or that of its leader, Peter Magyar, to the EPP party family, Hungary's co-ruling KDNP wrote in their statement, announcing that  

after today's decision by the EPP group to admit Peter Magyar, KDNP is leaving the EPP and their party group in the EP.

"The EPP has shifted to the left and lost its identity in the process, it is no longer the party created by its Christian Democratic founders. Christian Democratic voices within the EPP have been growing quieter lately, and compromises have become increasingly difficult over the years," KDNP said in their statement, emphasizing that 

the EPP's pro-war doctrine is diametrically opposed to the pro-peace commitment that was at the root of the European Union. The EPP - where it stands now - and Peter Magyar morally qualify each other.

The statement highlighted that the KDNP will continue to represent the interests of Hungarians and the values of Christian Democracy both in Hungary and the European Union, as they have been doing for 80 years.

Exploiting the opportunities offered by his new mandate, Gyorgy Holvenyi will continue to fight for persecuted Christians.

As Magyar Nemzet reported earlier, last Friday, Peter Magyar met with EPP chief Manfred Weber to discuss conditions for the MEPs of the Tisza Party to join the EPP's parliamentary group. 

Zsolt Semjen, deputy prime minister and KDNP president, also met with Manfred Weber. After their talks, the KDNP's leader pointed out that in case the Tisza Party is admitted to the European People's Party, the Christian Democratic People’s Party will have no other choice but to leave.

The person of Peter Magyar is unacceptable for us in the parliamentary group, and the Tisza Party is unacceptable in the European People's Party,

Zsolt Semjen underlined last week. If for no other reason, because the KDNP has a history of eighty years, and the Tisza Party a history of eighty days, he added.

We have reached the limit,

Gyorgy Holvenyi, MEP of the KDNP, posted on social media last week, in response to the meeting between Manfred Weber and Peter Magyar.

Cover photo: Zsolt Semjen, deputy prime minister and KDNP president, and MEP Gyorgy Holvenyi (r) (Photo: Sandor Csudai)

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