FM: Hungary Resolutely Condemns Hezbollah Rocket Attack Against Israel

Attacks like this are markedly escalating the risk of a cross-border war erupting, and engulfing the entire Middle East in flames, Hungary's foreign minister wrote on Facebook.

2024. 07. 29. 15:21
Mourners say their final farewells to relatives who died in a missile attack in the predominantly Druze village of Majdel Sams on the Golan Heights, on July 28, 2024 (Photo: MTI/AP/Leo Correa)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungary resolutely condemns Hezbollah's latest rocket attack against Israel that has claimed the lives of several children in an especially painful way, reads a new post by Hungary's minister of foreign affairs and trade on Facebook. 

Attacks like this are markedly escalating the risk of a cross-border war erupting, and engulfing the entire Middle East in flames,

 – FM Szijjarto argued. 

Amidst the current global security environment, the eruption of a new war in the Middle East would have dramatic repercussions, therefore the international community must double its efforts in order to avoid the escalation of the crisis in the region, the foreign minister added. 

As highlighted by Magyar Nemzet in an earlier piece, twelve children and young adults were killed and dozens injured after a rocket struck a football pitch in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, according to Israeli authorities.

Cover photo: Mourners say their final farewells to relatives who died in a missile attack in the predominantly Druze village of Majdel Sams on the Golan Heights, on July 28, 2024 (Photo: MTI/AP/Leo Correa)

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