BYD Articulated Bus under Testing in Szeged

Passengers can travel on the vehicle free of charge.

2024. 08. 29. 13:43
BYD articulated electric bus (Photo: Delmagyarorszag/Csaba Karnok)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungary's intercity public transport company Volanbusz is testing an articulated electric bus in Szeged for the next nearly two weeks - writes Delmagyarorszag.

Eight of the non-articulated BYD buses, which make up almost half of the company's electric fleet, have been proving their excellent quality in the southern Hungarian city since last summer. Passengers in Szeged can now ride on the articulated test vehicle according to the timetable available on the Volanbusz website.

Photo: Delmagyarorszag/Csaba Karnok

Charging of the vehicle will take place at the previously installed charging station at the transport company's Szeged site 

Last December, the Chinese BYD company announced plans of constructing a factory in Szeged on a 300-hectare (over 740-acre) site. Property prices in the area immediately soared. The first shipment of building materials for the BYD plant arrived in Szeged in June.

Production at the plant is expected to start in the second half of 2025. Archaeologists are working on the site now, and this is expected to continue next year. The government has committed HUF 47-48 billion (approx EUR 120 million) to infrastructure development.

The municipality is expecting the city's corporate tax revenue to increase even during the plant construction period.


Cover photo: BYD articulated electric bus (Photo: Delmagyarorszag/Csaba Karnok)

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