Girl Shows How She’d Handle Algerian Woman-Beater in Video Message

She claims she would bring one of the Olympics’ most scandalous athletes to the floor.

2024. 08. 08. 12:06
Female Russian boxer Azaliya Amineva (Photo: Sputnik / Fotohost-agentstvo RIA Novosti)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Remember when we boxed at the 2023 World Championships in India, where I knocked you to the floor with a knockout? I’m ready to repeat that moment and send you to the floor again to answer for all the girls who got in your way,

– said 21-year-old Russian boxer Azaliya Amineva. 

This is how she KO-ed Russia's Imane Helif last year, who later failed the 2023 World Boxing Championships when a DNA test revealed that "she" had XY chromosomes.

Interestingly, the Algerian beat the Russian by decision in 2023, but he was down with seconds left in the fight, and the referee only allowed him to continue after an eight-count.

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