Hungary FM: Europe's Interests Include Achieving Peace, Stemming Migration and Improving Competitiveness

Europe should work together in the interest of achieving peace in Ukraine, stopping the mass illegal migration flows and regaining economic competitiveness as soon as possible, Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto said in Salzburg on Monday.

Forrás: MTI2024. 10. 22. 15:07
Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto on September 30, 2024 (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

A statement put out by the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade quoted from Minister Szijjarto's speech at the 20th Salzburg European Summit, where he started by saying that humanity is currently living in an era of threats and that the EU is facing extraordinary challenges to its physical and economic security.

Peter Szijjarto pointed out that Ukraine has been at war for about a thousand days, that at the same time the continent has been facing an influx of mass illegal migration for ten years, and that economic issues have also become highly ideological within the EU.

What do we propose, what do we think would be in the interest of the European Union? This will not be a mainstream position. (...) But we believe that it is in Europe's interest that we come to peace in Ukraine. It is in Europe's interest to finally stop the tide of migration. And it is also in Europe's interest to carry out decisions based on common sense when it comes to the economy,

he listed the country's suggestions. 
He underlined that Hungary is ready to shoulder its part, and stressed that the government's foreign policy strategy is based on three things: "supporting all initiatives aimed at achieving peace in Ukraine, and doing everything possible to preserve national sovereignty and to promote economic neutrality".
FM Szijjarto said that there is a consensus in Europe that the trouble in Ukraine is massive and could become even greater than it currently is; the fighting is getting worse, winter is coming and the sanctions are not working. The only question, he says, is what conclusions to draw from all this. There are two approaches as he sees it: one is in favor of increasing arms transfers, introducing further sanctions and allowing the use of transferred weapons against targets in Russia, while the other, instead of arms transfers, involves starting negotiations and eventually arriving at a peaceful solution to save human lives.

The difference between the two approaches is that the first has been going on for a thousand days and simply doesn't work. The second approach has never had a chance. So we think that the second approach should be given a chance. We try to focus on how to achieve peace and how to avoid prolonging the war.

He then spoke about the protection of sovereignty, with a specific reference to the issue of migration. He mentioned that Hungary is currently under financial sanctions and said that this is because Hungary is protecting the external borders of the EU, making it clear that no one can enter the country illegally. 
The authorities have prevented more than half a million illegal border crossing attempts in recent years, he noted, citing that international law states that a person forced to leave their country of residence can stay temporarily in the territory of the first safe country, but that there is no mention of second, third, fourth, fifth or tenth safe country.

Unless we return to the foundations of international law, we will not be able to defend the security of the continent,

Finally, the minister elaborated on economic neutrality, calling the start of a possible new economic cold war and the re-emergence of a blocification of the world a major threat, standing in sharp contrast to the interests of Hungary. He stressed that Hungary is instead still vested in connectivity and civilized cooperation between East and West, which has already benefited the country immensely. As an example, he cited that Hungary is one of only three countries in the world where all three German premium car brands now have factories, and that five of the ten largest eastern producers of electric batteries have chosen to set up manufacturing sites in Hungary, primarily because of the strong German presence.

If we put artificial obstacles blocking the strategies of the companies that determine the economic performance of the whole continent, we could create huge problems and further weaken the competitiveness of the European Union even beyond where it currently stands,

he said.
"There is often a giant gap between reality and the political arena. And if this persists, we will unfortunately not see the way to regain European Union competitiveness," he added.

We must work together to achieve peace in Ukraine, to protect Europe from mass illegal migration and to regain our economic competitiveness,

he concluded.


Cover photo: Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto on September 30, 2024 (Photo: AFP)

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