Hungary FM: Killing and Suffering Must End

In an interview with the Mandiner news portal, Hungary's minister of foreign affairs and trade spoke about Hungary's foreign policy over the past ten years, expectations regarding Donald Trump's victory, and the current situation of the right wing.

2024. 10. 10. 16:13
Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto speaks at the inauguration ceremony of the Domotor Zoltan Swimming Pool in Dunakeszi (Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyes)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Hungarian government has faced many challenges in recent years, but has tackled them successfully, the foreign minister said, pointing out that 

for the fourth year running, we have had to navigate the country through economic, security and health crises that led to the failure of other governments in Europe. In contrast, we have, for example, won our biggest ever victory in the 2022 parliamentary elections.

In the interview with Mandiner, Peter  Szijjarto criticized the EU for being "captive to astonishing hypocrisy". In his view, many European politicians agree with Hungary, but do not dare to take up their position publicly.

When we are in private, they tell us how right we are, but in public they read out what the bureaucrats have prepared for them.

The minister insisted that Hungary is pursuing an honest foreign policy: there is no need to seek unnecessary conflict, but we cannot hide under the table because of criticism. He stressed the benefits of Hungary's honest foreign policy, citing economic successes as proof. He also explained the government's position on issues related to migration, gender politics and war, confirming that they will not expose the country to outside forces.

In the interview, Peter Szijjarto evaluated Viktor Orban's peace mission, highlighting responsibility a Christian country has in order to save human lives. He criticized the West's pro-war policy, stressing that arms deliveries will not lead closer to peace. He supported the peace plan designed by China and Brazil, and noted Hungary's participation in the Friends of Peace group. With relation to the war in Ukraine, Hungary's foreign minister highlighted the importance of peace talks, stressing that 

the killing and suffering must end! Some believe that this can be done on the battlefield, while others – including us – believe that it can be achieved at the negotiating table.

In the context of the US presidential election, the minister said that a victory by Donald Trump would be more beneficial for Hungary.

If the question is what would be better for Hungary-US relations, for the security of Central Europe or for reaching peace, the obvious answer is Donald Trump's victory.

Moreover, during Trump's presidency there was order in the world, and now there is none, he pointed out.

At the end of the interview, Peter Szijjarto also spoke about the city of Gyor, saying that the local situation is important to him because of his personal ties.

Cover photo: Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto speaks at the inauguration ceremony of the Domotor Zoltan Swimming Pool in Dunakeszi (Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyes)

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