PM Orban: In Times of Trouble, Hungarians Show Unmatched Unity + Video

This fall's parliamentary session kicked off with a speech by Hungary's prime minister.

2024. 10. 01. 16:19
Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the National Assembly's plenary session (Photo by Attila Polyak)
Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the National Assembly's plenary session (Photo: Attila Polyak)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– In accordance with parliamentary traditions, I will report on the events that have taken place since the end of the spring session and outline the government's plans, Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated in his address at the opening of the autumn session of the National Assembly. He reminded lawmakers that, as of mid-September, Hungary was facing serious threats because of the flood. 

– The defense was organized and orderly. We managed to avert the danger, PM Orban declared, expressing gratitude to everyone who participated in the flood protection efforts. 

In times of trouble, we, Hungarians, show unmatched unity,

– the prime minister emphasized. He noted that, compared against the 2013 floods, the Hungarian state has become more efficient and organized and that the decision to strengthen the defense lines in recent years proven to be a good one. He indicated that 435 billion forints have been allocated to flood protection in recent years and announced that the water authority will soon present its flood report to the government, after which lawmakers are to decide on further flood defense developments. 


Developments and investments

PM Orban indicated that this summer, 40,000 children enjoyed vacations at the Erzsebet camps on the shores of Lake Balaton. In terms of developments, he emphasized that in recent years, 1,400 billion forints have been spent to renovate kindergartens and schools.

– The government has completed the Dunakeszi student district, an educational center capable of accommodating 1,500 students, he noted. Concerning the start of the school year, he stressed that 13 million textbooks were distributed, adding that 1.2 million students received free textbooks.

PM Orban described the digital citizenship program as one of the government's largest development projects, which allows users to verify their identity via their smartphones. Additionally, the Gondosóra program has continued.

Praising the performance of tourism, PM Orban underlined that this summer was a record-breaking one for Hungarian tourism. 

Never before have so many Hungarians vacationed in the country, and never have we received so many tourists,"

– Mr. Orban said. 

He also mentioned that in July, the Liszt Ferenc International Airport returned to national ownership, with annual passenger traffic reaching 17.5 million. He highlighted that MVM (Hungarian Electrical Works Company) acquired a stake in one of the world's largest gas fields, calling it a historic achievement.


New economic policy

PM Orban recalled that in terms of economic growth, Hungary ranks 11th among the EU's 27 member states, adding however, that it needs even more growth in the future. – In terms of investment, we rank fourth in the EU, but we should aim for first place, he added. He stated that over the summer, the gross average salary increased by 14% compared against last year, and after adjusting for inflation, there was a 9.4% real wage growth. Rumors about the death of the Hungarian economy are greatly exaggerated. The Hungarian economy is doing well, and preparing for the next battles," Mr. Orban declared.

He emphasized that Hungary's national debt situation is stable, and the government aims to reduce the budget deficit to 4.5%. He announced the extension of the household interest rate cap, which will only be phased out when interest rates fall, ensuring no burden on families. He highlighted that the financial situation of families has improved, as the new home renovation program launched on July 1 aims to renovate 20,000 homes. He also mentioned that inflation was forced to below 10% last year, and over the summer, it dropped to 3.4%.

– This year's changes in the global economy have convinced us that we need a new economic policy, if we want to achieve new economic successes. Without a new economic policy, we'll be unable to safeguard even our attained achievements," Mr. Orban stressed. 

He warned that the worst possible scenario would be the separation of Eastern and Western economies. He believes the national economy can only survive if Hungary can produce competitive products. – The past few months have only increased the troubles.

The European people voted for change in vain, yet Brussels remains committed to forming blocs.

For Hungary, the path of bloc formation is not feasible, as it would lead to reduced economic independence, stagnation, and impoverishment. "We need a new economic policy," Mr. Orban added, emphasizing the need for economic neutrality.

– It is in our interest to maintain economic relations with everyone, and this issue should not be viewed through a political lens. Whatever benefits Hungary should be adopted from both sides, and anything leading to armed conflict must be rejected, PM Orban said, adding that only those who retain their ability to act will succeed. Hungary, he noted, needs the best of everything: cutting-edge technology, the most advantageous loan programs, and balanced relations. "This is why we need new tools, such as successive industrial policy and business development action plans." He underlined that 

the Hungarian economy must grow at a rate of between 3% and 6%, even if no one in the EU has managed to achieve this.


The solution: national governance

Discussing the issue of migration, PM Orban emphasized that the era of free travel is nearing its end. He stated that countries should have followed Hungary's advice and refrained from allowing illegal immigrants in. However, since they failed to do so, most Western countries are now facing dire, critical conditions, he added.

Hungary is being penalized for defending Europe,

– Mr. Orban said, adding that if Brussels continues to impose sanctions on Hungary, we will transport the migrants to them.

PM Orban believes that his government will be proven right regarding the war as well. "The West plunged into the conflict recklessly.  – We need ceasefire talks and peace," he stressed. He recalled that Hungary had launched a peace mission, opening the debate on peace in Europe, which was previously unthinkable, and since then, the Friends for Peace Group has been formed. He stated that ultimately, every issue boils don to the question of sovereignty. While international cooperation is valuable, Hungary can only rely on itself. 

– It's always national governance and national unity that can bring a solution, he concluded. He reiterated that the government would not hesitate to use all state resources to protect Hungary's sovereignty and independence. – I am convinced that no matter how bleak the situation may seem, if we do everything we can, everything will turn out for the best," Mr. Orban concluded, wishing lawmakers a productive session.


The prime minister's response

– I'd like to ask for some patience for politicians of the (oppisition) DK party, as they must now struggle to make it into parliament. This makes people nervous, Mr. Orban responded to speeches by the various parliamentary factions.

In response to Jobbik MP Lukacs Laszlo Gyorgy, PM Orban pointed out that the government will uphold its policy that Hungarian jobs belong to the Hungarian people, and the number of guest workers coming to Hungary may not exceed the unfilled job vacancies. He mentioned that crime levels have drastically reduced in the country, 

making Hungary the safest country in Europe. He added that anyone claiming otherwise is disparaging the work of Hungarian police officers.

On the subject of economic neutrality, PM Orban emphasized that the government had recently turned to the European Investment Bank for a significant loan to improve the country’s railway network. He dismissed the idea that electromobility was a technological dead-end, pointing out that leaders of Germany’s automotive industry also share this view. On the topic of drug trafficking, he said it is now ravaging across impoverished rural areas, adding that the government will have a key role in combating drug trade.

Responding to remarks by MP Bence Tordai of the opposition Dialogue (Parbeszed) party, PM Orban described his political feat of having exited the party while continuing to lead its parliamentary group an "eel-like maneuver." Regarding the Ukraine war, he reiterated that the conflict poses a huge threat to all of Europe, stressing the need for negotiations, a ceasefire, and ultimately peace.

PM Orban firmly rejected the notion of Hungary sending weapons to Ukraine.

Concerning any potential austerity measures, he described them as a socialist genre, adding that Hungary's civic government does not apply austerity measures: it never has, nor will it in the future." He also labeled MP Peter Ungar's suggestions as a "dead end" and "servile." In terms of what we perceive as the root of Hungary’s foreign policy direction, Mr. Orban noted that disagreements stem not from specific issues but from philosophical discrepancies, adding that restoring balance will require considerable effort.

PM Orban recalled that when Luxembourg's prime pinister was elected as European Commission President, two countries were strongly opposed to it: Britain and Hungary. They feared that if the program advocating for the transformation of the European Commission into a political body was accepted, the Brits would exit the union and subsequently expose it to French ambitions.


PM Orban issued a stern warning to Socialist MP Imre Komjathi against devaluing the Hungarian teachers' community. While acknowledging that there are issues within the education system, he rejected any attempts to diminish Hungarian teachers. In response to concerns about healthcare and education, Mr. Orban pointed out that the spending patterns of the current national government differ significantly from those of previous administrations, citing wage increases and the elimination of informal payments in healthcare as key examples.

He said the importance of manufacturing plants should not be underestimated and, speaking on behalf of workers, he rejected Mr. Komjathi’s claims. In response to MP Laszlo Toroczkai of the Our Homeland (Mi Hazank) party, Mr. Orban said the politician’s comments about reservoirs reflect a lack of knowledge, urging him to study the hundreds of billions of forints spent over the past 14 years on water retention projects.

– In the name of the government, I’d like to wish that the continuation of this fall session is more successful than how it started today,” PM Orban concluded in his rebuttal.

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the National Assembly's plenary session (Photo by Attila Polyak)

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