Janos Lazar Strongly Criticizes the “Cowardly” David Pressman + Video

Hungary's minister for construction and transport doesn't hold back in characterizing the ousted ambassador.

Forrás: Mandiner2025. 01. 14. 10:28
Janos Lazar, Hungary's Minister for Construction and Transportation (Photo: Miklos Teknos)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"The ambassador is a talented, albeit very malicious individual, in fact, he is just as talented as he is malicious," Janos Lazar, minister for Construction and Transportation said in reference to former US Ambassador David Pressman during an interview on Hir TV's Napi Aktuális program, Mandiner reported.

According to the minister, Pressman far exceeded the role of an ambassador by interfering in Hungary’s domestic politics, attempting to influence the economy, and trying to significantly diminish the country’s room for maneuver.

"This wasn’t just about representing American interests, but also about pushing a particular set of values," the minister added.

Janos Lazar stated that the ousted ambassador wanted Hungary to become more like himself. “This didn’t happen, which left him with a bad feeling and fueled his desire for revenge. This relationship became entirely personal, which always leads to bad decisions because this is not a personal matter. This is about politics, reconciling interests, and power dynamics, in which Pressman miscalculated,” he said.  

"It will take time to normalize relations," the minister noted. "Hungary seeks to be a good ally of the United States and can serve as a stabilizing factor in the region. However, this requires allowing Hungarians to decide on their own affairs," Lazar asserted.

Cover image: Janos Lazar, Hungary's Minister of Construction and Transportation (Photo: Miklos Teknos)

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