Mate Kocsis: Pressing As It Is for Brussels Elite, They Should Attach No Hope

The parliamentary group leader outlined the reasons why the opposition came up with the idea of early elections.

2025. 01. 05. 12:35
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The call for early elections has suddenly become urgent for all Hungarian politicians receiving funds from abroad, stated the leader of Fidesz’s parliamentary group on his social media page.

In his post, Mate Kocsis outlined the reasons why this situation has arisen on the opposition side:

  • There will soon be a change in power in Washington, and the Brussels elite will weaken. 
  • They have little time left, so they want to push through decisions in the EU on financing and expanding the war, as well as implementing the migration pact as quickly as possible. However, Hungary is blocking these efforts.
  • This is why they want to remove the anti-war Orban government as soon as possible. To achieve this, they have instructed Peter Magyar, Ferenc Gyurcsany’s allies, and all the other schemers – who were financed from abroad even before 2022 – to demand early elections.
  • And now, they have all started parroting the same thing. Coincidentally, the same thing.

Hungary enjoys political stability, and there will be no early elections. Just as there haven’t been any since 1990, there won’t be now either, the parliamentary group leader underlined.

We understand and see that it’s urgent for the Brussels elite, but they shouldn’t get their hopes up. Nor should their proteges, and they shouldn’t expect anything good,

Mate Kocsis emphasized.

Cover photo: Manfred Weber and Peter Magyar  in Budapest (Photo: AFP/Attila Kisbenedek)

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