More Support for Families Again This Year + Video

Balazs Hanko highlighted that Hungary's budget expenditures will increase by 447 billion forints (over 1 billion euros).

2025. 01. 03. 15:48
Balazs Hanko, Hungary's minister for Cuture and Innovation (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Kocsis)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"We are working for families, which is why we will expand family support again in 2025," declared Balazs Hanko, minister for Culture and Innovation, in a video post on the Hungarian government’s social media page.

The minister noted that since 2010, the government has implemented 30 family policy measures aimed at ensuring the financial security of families, assisting with housing, and helping families establish a balance between work and home life.

This year, HUF 3,754 billion (about EUR 9 billion) will be allocated for family support—HUF 447 billion (EUR 1 billion) more than last year. Compared to 2010, family support has since quadrupled.

Hanko emphasized that one of the most significant advancements will be the government doubling the family tax deduction allowance in two phases. Additionally, starting January 1 this year, the eligibility age limit for the 'baby-expectancy' (babavaro) support has been raised to 35 years. This expansion will allow at least 10,000 more families expecting to have children to benefit from the program which offers a zero-interest preferential loan of up to HUF 11 million (over EUR 26,000). So far, 260,000 have applied for the program, and 220,000 'babavaro' children have been born.

The minister added that attaining home ownership is also supported through programs like the rural CSOK and CSOK Plus. The Rural home renovation program will also be launched again, allowing families in communities with fewer than 5,000 residents to receive up to HUF 3 million (over EUR 7,000) in non-repayable support provided they contribute the same amount for home renovations. Furthermore, thanks to the increase in the minimum wage, parental leave payments (GYED) and graduate parental leave payments (diplomas GYED) will also rise this year, Hanko noted.

Cover Photo: Balazs Hanko, Hungary's minister for Cuture and Innovation (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Kocsis)

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